Chapter 93: A Mistake

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Hak, Zeno, Kija and Jae-ha were drinking as the villagers went to bed. The group had meandered back to their campsite, slightly intoxicated. They stumbled around, making a lot of noise until a drunken Jae-ha told the rest of them about Calista and Shin-ah's escapades. Their noise transformed into a full-blown teasing and drunken yelling the further he went along.

"The two moonstruck lovers were sitting there and our sweet Shin-ah was on top of Calista dear." Jae-ha smirk grew at the sound of Hak groaning.

Slapping a hand to his forehead, he glared daggers at the green dragon. "I don't need to hear about my sister like that, Droopy-Eyes."

"You're not biologically related, though." Yoon pointed out matter-of-factly, tuning out the rest of their nonsense as he walked beside a staggering Yona, who had managed to convince Kija it was a good idea to give her some alcohol.

"Doesn't matter." Hak grumbled.

Calista snorted at the look of disgust on his face, but her head whipped to the side as she caught what Jae-ha had slyly said to a flushed Kija.

"What did you just say?!" She demanded, giving him one chance to correct himself before she punched him.

His smirk only grew wider when he realized she had caught wind of it, just as he had planned. "Why, Calista dear, I only said that it looked like Shin-ah has finally left his mark on you. Who knew you both could be so naughty?"

She clapped a hand over the base of her neck where she knew the hickey was and turned bright red. Her mortification grew as the group laughed, but it quickly turned into amusement and she giggled along with them.

After all, that mark was one of love just as much as it was of possessiveness. A welcome one, of course. The blue dragon didn't have it in him to hurt a fly, let alone her.

She didn't know the last time she had allowed someone in like she had let him in. 

Her laughter stopped and her eyes grew troubled as she recalled what exactly she was trying to tell him before they were interrupted by an oblivious Yona who needed to get ready for her dance.

The others broke off and scattered to their usual places in order to get ready for bed, prepared for the massive hangovers they would have tomorrow and she stayed behind, lost in her thoughts.

At least until she was swept off the ground by none other than Shin-ah himself.

Her arms automatically looped around his neck and she kicked her feet playfully once they were a significant distance away, eliciting a soft chuckle from him as he finally set her down on the ground. Eyes brightened as she saw the huge branches that loomed over them and she bounced on the balls of her feet, begging him with a pout of her lips.

It seemed like her vulnerable moment that came from voicing her insecurities had opened up another, more carefree side to her that he had yet had the privilege to see.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, touching his forehead to hers for a second.

"Be careful." He murmured, worry stemming from his heart that yearned for her safety.

Calista flashed him a cheeky grin, scaling up the tree with a vigor that made him smile. Reaching out a hand, she helped him up until the two of them came to sit on one of the giant branches.

Sitting down with a dramatic exhale, she rocked from side to side, trying to get comfortable. Shin-ah's hands shot down to steady himself as the branch swayed and her hands tangled with his as she blurted out an apology.

He smiled back softly, brushing it off, finding her excitement incredibly endearing.

Calista fiddled with her fingers mindlessly. "Are you sure you won't be too cold out here?"

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