Chapter 145: His Breaking Point

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Yona's eyes went wide in astonishment at his passion. "Jae-ha..."

Hak was watching the exchange raptly, not taking his eyes off of either one of them for a second, in case it got too out of hand. Not to mention, he was still wondering if Jae-ha was under the influence of the nadai. It didn't seem like it but he couldn't tell for sure.

"The darkness here is much more dangerous and uglier than Awa." Jae-ha told her with a snarl, with a menace that wasn't aimed directly at her.

Zeno's expression was serious but he didn't say anything. Shin-ah hadn't moved from behind the green dragon and from the outside, it looked as though he was unaffected. Yoon, on the other hand, was watching worriedly, his grip tightening on the strap of his bag.

"We should leave this place immediately." Jae-ha couldn't stop the panic that rose behind his eyes, unable to hide it from her. "If you get involved in this, you could die."

Out of all his comrades, he was always the most concerned about her.

This frail girl who tried to do everything she could to help people in trouble despite her hands shaking and her knees knocking together in fear. He had been there when she had attempted her senjusou task bestowed by the captain only to almost get swept away by a giant wave, and then again when she had shot down Yang Kum-ji, the despicable tyrant.

He admired her like no other but he wouldn't stand if she carelessly threw her life away like this.

He was terrified he wouldn't be able to protect her like he swore he would after she gave him a place to belong after the pirates disbanded. He had never admitted it, but her offer had meant so much to him, especially after she had told him she didn't want him to follow her if he didn't want to.

He thought freedom had meant not being attached to a person, place or thing but that didn't count when it came to them.

He had found the freedom that he longed for in them.

Which is exactly why he couldn't let her do this.

But despite the slight tremor in his voice betraying his true state of fear, Yona wordlessly shook her head, lavender eyes filled with determination at doing the opposite of what he asked of her.

And Jae-ha went feral.

"LISTEN TO ME!!!!" He roared, unable to contain his emotions now as they bubbled up and overflowed all at once.

Hak instinctively took a step forward to get in between them but Calista halted him.

"Wait." She murmured, not relinquishing her hold on his arm as she watched them closely, silver eyes narrowed and trained on the green dragon restraining himself to the best of his ability.

Jae-ha was fighting himself, his body vibrating where he stood as he raged a war within his heart.

Everything he couldn't stop. He had always regretted that Yona, Calista and Yoon had gotten hurt in Awa. That he hadn't been able to protect them enough back then, even after finding them and he was not going to let it happen again.

But he didn't get another word in edgewise as the red-haired princess stepped forward, looking him directly in the eye.

"Even if I avoid this danger now, it'll eventually become a threat to this country." She said evenly.

Taking a deep breath, she deduced it logically. "It's not only Shisen. All of Kouka's coastal towns, even the place where Captain Gi-gan is in, Awa, might face this danger."

She took a stand, steady on her feet and firm in her position.

"I can't back down." Her gaze blazed with a fire no one could put out.

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