Chapter 26: Passing It On

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She picked up her knife from the ground, tucking it back in its sheath on her ankle. Yona beamed up at her. "Of course!"

Then, her eyebrows drew together in concern as the second part of what Calista had said registered in her mind. 

"Is something wrong?"

Calista motioned for her to stay quiet. The last thing she wanted was for the others to hear.

Yoon was ushering a freezing Seiryuu and a red-faced Hakuryuu back to where he set up the tent. 

Calista gave Hak a firm look as he turned back once he noticed they weren't following. The solemness in her eyes transmitted the message clearly.

Ten minutes alone, and then he comes looking for them.

Good enough for her.

She nodded in thanks. Then, the ex-general turned on his heel and left.

Calista led the princess to a tree halfway between their camp and the stream, figuring it would hide them sufficiently if anyone came after them, but was close enough to the others if they needed to regroup quickly.

Though, she doubted anyone at Seiryuu's village wanted anything more to do with them after the havoc they caused. 

Yona stared up the tree in concentration.

"You and Hak usually climb trees for this part, right?"

Calista's eyebrow shot up to her forehead. She wasn't aware that the princess knew about that.

"How did you...?"

She trailed off, and Yona shrugged her shoulders.

"I never wanted to learn before, since it would dirty my clothes." The smile she gave her was sad as the princess remembered how prissy she used to be back at the castle. 

Everything that she seemed to worry about seemed so trivial now. 

"But now I do. Would you teach me?"

Calista wiggled her eyebrow. "Well, I could, or you can have Hak help you."

"What do you mean?" Yona tilted her head cluelessly. 

"I mean, you can have him just lift you up, and then, poof!" Calista shook her hands comically. "You're already there."

The two burst into giggles. A minute later, Calista finally calmed down enough and cough into her hand, clearing her throat.

"But to answer your question, Your Highness, yes. Hak and I do tend to be up in a tree for our conversations usually."

Yona's eyes lit up, eagerly awaiting instructions. Calista grinned at her willingness.

"Would you like some help?"

Yona shook her head, taking off her bow and quiver from her back to set them on the ground. Her hands flitted around the trunk, trying to find a secure hold, only to give up when she couldn't locate one. 

Instead, she jumped, latching her hands around the lowest branch, trying to climb up vertically with her feet. She attempted to pull herself up, only to crash back down immediately.

"T-The bark is slippery!!" Yona huffed as a light laugh escaped her companion.

After a few more failed attempts, she sighed heavily in defeat and Calista restrained the giggles bubbling up in her chest. She couldn't help it.

The dirt that was on Yona's hands, and smudged on her face was something she was still getting accustomed to seeing. Her determination would get her far, but not all the way this time.

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