Chapter 69: The Triplets

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The minute they arrived, Hak loomed over them, blocking out the rising sun.

"Bat-Ears," He growled and Calista sweated at the menacing sight as Yona hid behind her. "You were supposed to wake me up before you left with the Princess."

Holding up a hand to simultaneously ward him off and send an appropriate apology, she stammered, "I-I didn't w-want to wake anyone up..."

Yona darted out from behind her, but was caught by the back of her cloak by her fuming bodyguard. She laughed nervously as he peered closely at her, blushing when he was an inch away from her face.

"Are you hurt, Princess?"

She shook her head furiously. "No!! Calista was amazing!!"

The fighter blinked in surprise at the praise. Hak's expression blanked.

"That wasn't what I asked, Princess."

Yona pouted childishly at the jibe and clenched her hands. "But it's true!! She was so fast, no one even got close to me!!"

Calista scoffed at the obvious lie, but it was clear she didn't want to worry him, so she went along with it. That last one got a little too close for her liking, but at least she took care of him before it was called off.

That made their victory a bit more acceptable to the nobles and fighters alike in the arena.

A crash had her head snapping up, and her eyes widened when Shin-ah stumbled out of the tent, half-naked with a bandage dragging behind him.

Yoon chased after him as he beelined towards her, stopping cold at the sight of him crushing her in a hug.

Calista stood still for a second until she felt Shin-ah tremble against her, tightening his arms so much so that it was getting hard to breath.

"Hey... I'm okay, Shin-ah." Patting his back comfortingly, she closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of being in his embrace. "I'm sorry for not telling you, you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you."

He pulled back, a small pout forming on his lips.

"Next time..."

She perked up at the sound of his quiet voice. It was strange how much she missed hearing it, and it had only been a day.

"Tell me?"

Her eyes softened and she nodded.

Then, she glared as she realized that everyone was watching them. Jae-ha was smirking and Hak was covering Yona's eyes. Kija had a light blush dusted across his cheeks and Yoon was avoiding her gaze.

Zeno bounced up to his feet.

"Miss Notch!! The boy was worried about you, too!!"

"Shut up, Yellow!!" Yoon hissed, turning on his heel, striding back into the tent.

Shin-ah let her go and Calista followed him without hesitation, opening the flap to the entrance slowly.

"Yoon?" She said quietly, stepping inside cautiously when he didn't make a move to turn around. "Are you okay?"

She moved carefully when he didn't say anything. Calling out his name again, her shoulders deflated and expression saddened when he didn't acknowledge her. Clearly, he needed some time.

But as she turned to leave, an inaudible sniffle halted her.


She landed with a thud on the ground as he crashed into her, sobbing into her shirt. There were several footsteps and then light flooded the tent as it was forced wide open.

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