Chapter 87: Cramped in the Tent

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With Shin-ah and Calista stuck in their little bubble, the rest of the gang finished up their meal while Yoon briefly explained what he knew about the Kai Empire and its people. In a lot of ways, it was very similar to Kouka Kingdom.

"The royal family lost power so the surrounding powerful families gained control." Zeno's voice came out muffled as he tried to talk around a mouthful of food. "It's similar to King Il and the tribes in this country."

Calista shot him a sharp look when she heard that and Kija clapped a hand over his mouth as Jae-ha gestured for him to be quiet.

Kija didn't remove his hand from Zeno's mouth, blue eyes attentive for once. "Is there any danger?"

Yoon sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "The place we are heading to right now is the territory of the Sen Province. The noble, Li Hazara, controls this area and is steadily gaining power."

Breaking away from Shin-ah, Calista angled her body towards the pretty boy, blinking slowly. "Li Hazara?"

"Hm?" Yoon's inquisitive gaze caught hers. "Do you know him?"

He wouldn't be surprised, but he wondered how she seemed to be so well connected all of the time.

But the shake of her head eliminated his theory.

"No, I've just heard of him from somewhere." She waved her hand nonchalantly. "It's probably not important. I doubt we'll run into much trouble here if we keep a low profile."

Yoon snapped his fingers. "That's right. We won't be in danger if we keep quiet. If we keep quiet. If we keep quiet."

Calista stifled a laugh at his obvious repetition of trying to hammer it into their heads.

Kija's face dropped. "He said it three times."

Jae-ha winced, recalling the fiasco that transpired causing them to become bandits. He still hadn't heard the end of it from the youngest after he engaged the officials. "That's because it's important."

The rest of their conversation took a lighter turn as the pretty boy and the princess chatted excitedly about exploring the new land, and the dragons took turns helping with Yoon's mysterious project.

"Kija, pull that side."

Straightening it properly with his guidance, Kija secured the material in place by using a stake.

"Finally!!" A wide smile split Yoon's features. "The tent is finished!!"

The red-haired princess beamed a huge smile that rivaled his. "Amazing!! When did you make it?!"

"While we were at the beach, when you all went snorkeling. In the mountains, it's cold and rainy, so we were going to need this." Yoon explained proudly.

Zeno was the first to flop down, rolling on his back with his hands up in the air. "I always wished there was enough room for everyone!!"

Shin-ah crawled in curiously. It certainly was large, but he didn't know if it would hold everyone at once. Internally shrugging to himself, he didn't mind if he had to sleep outside. He was used to the cold after all, even if he didn't particularly like it.

"Hey," A poke on his cheek startled him out of his thoughts, and he found Calista squatting down beside him. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

She distinctly registered Kija gushing to Yoon about how grateful he was for the bug-free tent, the latter accepting it somewhat hesitantly. Concentrating on the figure in front of her, she tilted her head in confusion when the silence prolonged.

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