Chapter 152: The Fight Rages On

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At the same time that Calista was captured, the princess wasn't doing too well. Yona thrashed around, desperately trying to free herself but came up short.

"Let... go..." She choked out, feebly pulling away from the man who had a hold on her arms.

Soon after Calista had freed her from the addicts, others took his place and no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't get them off.

A large, scaled hand encompassed the man's head, digging his claws into his neck, giving him the same treatment that he was showing the princess.

"Let go..."

Yona's eyes widened in shock. That voice was familiar. What usually was warm was now filled with wrath.

"Unless you want your head to be crushed." Kija finished darkly, his blue eyes black with rage.

He snarled when the addict didn't listen and his dragon claw tightened.

"I said. Let. Go." He emphasized, mercilessly cutting off his air supply but that didn't even work and when he didn't move, the white dragon was just about to slice his head clean off of his shoulders when the princess protested.

"Kija, calm down!! These people are—" Yona's outburst was cut off by a quiet voice that joined the fray.


Shin-ah was holding his sword out in front of him, fuming at the man responsible for those bruises forming on her arms.

"Can I cut him?" He asked quietly even though his sword was already out and his build was hovering intimidatingly over the creep, ready to carry it out before he even got permission.

Calista was nowhere to be seen but this was normal when she was moving faster than the eye could see. All that could be seen was a blur as she took one down after another.

"Shin-ah, don't!!" Yona blurted out even though she was still being held captive. "Because of the drug, these people are— Ouch!!"

She winced as his grasp tightened so much so that she could feel each individual indentation his fingers were making on her wrist.

In a flash, the iron grip finally disappeared, an enraged Ryokuryuu and a livid Thunder Beast were looming above the two men with scorn deeply etched on their features

Hak practically glared at the princess, not letting down his guard as one of the addicts tried to sneak away from under his boot. "How can you say that after you did a flying kick to one of your customers?"

Jae-ha mirrored his stance, eyes closing briefly out of disbelief. "Honestly, what kind of teaching do you get as a Princess?"

Yona stood up, brushing the dirt off of her clothes and blinked innocently up at him. "I tried to imitate you, Jae-ha."

Hak's head snapped around, narrowing his eyes at the elder. "So you're the bad example."

Jae-ha's violet eyes sparkled with faint admiration, his brow smoothing out. "I see, that's why it was such a beautiful kick."

Calista snorted, landing between them and helped Yona up to her feet in quick succession. "Maybe save the praise until after the fight is done."

"Thunder Beast!! Jae-ha!! Stop the people that are going berserk in the store!!" Yoon yelled from his hiding spot as crashes sounded all around the enclosed space, clutching onto the curtain with white knuckles as he echoed her reasoning.

Without Zeno to protect him, he had been allocated to the corner, out of sight and out of mind. But he had ventured from his spot and was currently hiding under a table much closer to them than before, propping a bench up for protection from the flying glass as various bottles and cups were chucked his way.

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