10K Special: Coconuts [Part 2/7]

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Words for this part: 4.6k

The next day, Calista was the first one up.


Yoon woke with a shout, falling out of the makeshift hammock he crafted last night and sat up with a furious glare.

Calista grinned and danced around gleefully. He could be mad at her all he wanted, but there was nothing in the entire world that could damper her good mood. They finally had a break after who knew how long and she was going to take full advantage of it.

Golden hair stuck out haphazardly as the yellow dragon increased the volume further, yelling, "Zeno's hungry!!"

Kija winced at his energetic shout, finding it way too early in the morning to be having a headache already.

"Yoon, what's for breakfast?" Jae-ha added on, green hair slightly mussed up from last night.

"Hold on, you rare beasts!!" The cranky pretty boy snapped, beyond irritated. "Can't you wait one minute?!"

Calista leaned over to ruffle his hair and he scrambled to get away from her, huffing as he put together a decent meal. She heard him mutter indistinctly under his breath about how annoying their demands were and she giggled to herself.

Yona yawned, blinking her eyes open adorably and the older girl cooed at how cute she was.

Pinching her cheek, Calista teased, "Aw, Yona, you're so cute in the morning!!"

The princess pouted, batting away her hand aimlessly. She missed and as the fighter released her face, she toppled into Hak, head landing flat on his leg.

He helped her sit up, throwing his spear in Jae-ha's general direction without blinking the second the green dragon poked fun at him.

The eldest dragon deflected it with his leg easily, brushing his smooth hair back, away from his eyes. Despite it being so early, his violet eyes were already shining dangerously and Calista rolled her eyes.

"Here we go again..."

Hak launched himself at the green dragon before Yona could stop him.

As the princess finally snapped out of her trance, she moved forward to break them apart when Calista held out an arm in front of her to stop her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Yona looked up at her curiously.

Calista nodded towards the petty skirmish. "This is partly how they communicate."

An idea clicked in the princess' mind. "Oh!! You mean like when Hak attacks you to see if you're okay or not after a difficult time?"

"Precisely." She grinned at her attention to detail. "And that's exactly why you shouldn't interrupt them. It might not be exactly what Hak and I do, but it's still a form of communication with each other and even though it looks dangerous, they wouldn't really hurt each other."

Calista thought about it for a bit longer, ignoring Yoon as he berated the two. "Well, not that much anyways."


It probably wouldn't make it all the way, Calista noted humorously to herself as she and Yona made their way over to the fuming pretty boy. Though, his annoyance might be enough to carry it along the rest of the way if he kicked it hard enough.

Yoon whipped up some food from the last of their rations that they had since they left the Fire Tribe. The dragons all munched on the roasted bird while the girls went to get changed.

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