Chapter 64: Returned Feelings

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Her expression dropped in disbelief, all anger forgotten when she whipped around and saw his bare chest heaving, taking in staggered, wheezing breaths.

The numbness from grief was instantly replaced with the deepest level of worry.

"Shin-ah, what are you doing?! And where are your clothes?!" Calista supported his weight, frantically scanning the weakened blue dragon. "You have to go back, you're supposed to be resting!!"

He was only wearing his fur-lined pants, shoes and usual mask with his trusty squirrel nowhere to be seen. His body was coated with a sheen of sweat, a blood soaked bandage wrapped around his midsection.

Yoon's going to kill me. He snuck out to see me. She cursed herself, she knew she should've stayed with them. I knew this was going to happen.

After fights, they always made sure the other was okay. She was just too caught up in her own world. It was an unspoken rule and she broke it.

She tried to direct him back towards where she knew the campsite was, gritting her teeth when he refused to go.

"How are you even here?!"

According to Yoon, he was still supposed to be paralyzed for the rest of the night. The fact that he could move on his own right now was a miracle, but one that she wasn't really willing to let him do.

It had to be taking a toll on his body, using it this soon.

He didn't answer her or budge, and she knew she wasn't going to win this. Arguing with him might reopen his wound and she was not about to take that chance. So instead, she slung his arm over her shoulder, helping him down the creek despite how her ankle throbbed with each step.

Though, she was too busy worrying about him to be concerned with her own injuries.

They followed the stream and found that it fed into a larger river. Before them was a huge waterfall, but the water was still warm despite the chilly night air.

His body was shivering and she cursed everything, hugging him closer in an effort to keep him warm. It was futile, but she still tried. He was panting into her ear, weary with exhaustion and she tried not to think about how him being so close to her made her feel.

How it sent her heart beating faster than was normal. Or healthy.

She led him around the river, and came across a small cave behind the waterfall. It was humid inside, and musty with stale air further in back, but it would have to do. He needed to rest and she hoped that he would have an easier time breathing in here once he got warmed up.

Setting him down carefully, he caught her wrist before she could let go completely. He suddenly tensed and she followed his gaze all the way down to the crimson stains on her hands.

Instantly, he reached for her hip to get a roll of gauze out of her satchel, but it wasn't there.

Flinching as his fingers brushed the top of her waistband, she immediately knew what he was looking for. She had left it back in Yoon's tent in case he needed the extra supplies for the life-threatening stab wound.

Pulling her hands out of his, she backed away and hid them behind her body, feeling the shame and guilt wash over her again.

"Shin-ah, I—"

She didn't get to finish her apology as he propelled forward, engulfing her in a hug. Tears sprang at the corner of her eyes at the blanket of heat and comfort that covered her. A choked mention of his name only had him circling his solid arms tighter around her.

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