Chapter 2: Moonlit Excursions

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It wasn't until weeks later that Calista was allowed publicly to step outside again.

Since that eventful night, Soo-won had her delivered to his mansion. He had draped his cloak over her bare back, sufficiently covering her as she was escorted out of the cell by some of her master's guards, chains binding her wrists and ankles together. Soo-won exchanged smooth words of business with the sneering lord before following them out, another pair of soldiers tailing behind him. In order to keep up appearances, her master ordered for Calista to be delivered to his mansion upon his arrival. She was shipped like cargo to refute any suspicions that Yang Kum-ji would have of her being more than a mere slave to Soo-won.

It was common for nobles to take a liking to a specific slave and make her his wife. If that happened between Calista and that gruff man, then Soo-won would have an opportunity to destroy Yang Kum-ji's empire from underneath him. In order to get close, she would have to be available for Yang Kum-ji to take advantage of, she had to pose as a slave.

Not that it was very hard, being one after all. 

But this time, she had no freedoms. There was no room for error. 

Her master's end goal was to sell her to him and her assignment was to get the lord to marry her.

Bile rose in the back of her mouth and Calista gagged as she almost retched all over the grass in front of her, recalling what he had done to her. Disgust flickered across her features as she remembered how the man had grinned sadistically at her after he was finished.

When Calista arrived at Soo-won's mansion, she went through the back entrance, trying her best to avoid all the servants milling about as she made her way to her room. Her master had given her everything she ever needed. After all, it was important for him to at least look like he cared for her. 

The Soo-won she had grown up with grew more and more distant each passing day. 

Calista truly believed he had cared about her when he proposed the contract. But as time went on, the excursions he sent her on, no matter how dangerous, started to show how much he was using her and her connections.

Still, she couldn't bring herself to let go of the image she had of him.

He too, was family, even if their dynamic had changed since then. 

Her master didn't need to scold her, Calista could practically feel the disappointment and simmering anger radiating off of him as he brought one of the nurses to tend to her wounds. She refused to let the nurse close to her, backing into a corner with her hands held out defensively in front of her, shaking her head frantically.

The nurse threw up her hands, exasperated, as Calista refused her again. The nurse stormed out, steam practically coming out from her ears.

"I can't do anything, My Lord!" Calista heard her cry from outside the room.

She jolted as the door to the room slid open to reveal Lord Soo-won. Calista watched him, eyes wary as he quietly instructed the nurse to leave ointment and clean bandages in the room. He watched her for a few seconds, and her wild eyes darted from his form to the small opening beside him, like a cornered animal. Then, he closed the door, leaving her alone.

Calista sat there for hours, staring blankly at a dark wall. 

The burning sun in the sky disappeared over the horizon, and the moon rose in its place.

Her room was small, but filled with many things. It was located behind the servants' quarters for privacy. The light that streamed from a tiny window didn't fill the entire space, but Calista took comfort in its warm glow.

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