Chapter 39: Senjusou

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The culprit of the clamor belonged to the one and only, hotheaded Hakuryuu. He was pestering the pirates, attempting to get answers from them.

"Just tell us why this... this... sneezijitsu is so important!!"

"It's senjusou, White Snake." Hak arrogantly corrected, but shot a threatening look at the crew, who took a step back at the force of the menacing glare. "But you should tell us why you sent her on such a weird mission. Speaking of which, you haven't told us exactly what's so dangerous about it."

"T-The captain will explain!!" A pirate hastily tried to ease the red aura emitting from the protective warriors.

Calista finally broke through the crowd that had gathered around her comrades with Captain Gi-gan right by her side. She saw Shin-ah take a step toward her, but then watched him look back at Hak and the others, stopping himself. As she made her way over to him, he lifted a hand once she was close enough, discreetly running it over hers, making sure she was okay.

The packed group of pirates pushed the two of them closer together until her cheek was squished against his front, head tucked just below his chin. Shin-ah automatically wound an arm around her back, the other warding off anyone who came too close.

She could hear the beating of his heart, and it made her own pulse quicken as he protected her from being bumped into too much. He was acting as a shield.

"The senjusou is a rare medicinal plant that had special healing abilities." Captain Gi-gan explained rather dryly, as if she had had this conversation a million times. She was completely unfazed by the Thunder Beast's and Hakuryuu's display of intimidation over her crew. "It accelerates the healing process by three times."

"Three times?!?!" Yoon was in shock. He had never heard of an herb with such astounding properties, it was almost too good to be true.

"So, what makes it so dangerous?" Hak asked, suspicious. He hadn't missed the way that the captain failed to answer the second portion of his question.

"The cliff is steep. Only one of my crew are able to obtain the senjusou successfully, but he's currently ill." Captain Gi-gan added on, a knowing gleam in her eye as she saw the dark-haired man tighten his grip on his spear. "And if she accepts any help from Jae-ha, she will not be allowed to join our fight."

Calista gritted her teeth as she felt Shin-ah stiffen against her.

"What?! That's insane!!" Kija cried out, getting more and more worried about the princess with each passing second. Yoon did his best to calm the distraught Hakuryuu down, but wasn't that effective.

They were all worried about Yona, but there was nothing they could do about it.

"That plant is essential for this upcoming battle. We will need all we can get for the casualties. If she cannot manage to get it, then she has not proven to me that she's worthy in joining our fight."

But the way that Captain Gi-gan was staring at all of them made Calista start to think that this was all a test.

Hak gritted his teeth, frustrated with her answers. His gaze locked on his sister's.

Calista knew exactly what he was thinking. From a tactical standpoint, if this miracle plant could really do what the captain said it could, then having it could save lives. But to risk Yona's safety for this task just made her want to run down there and ensure that she succeeded.

Captain Gi-gan took a puff from her pipe, her eyes closing as she felt the waves get rougher. "That girl will be in trouble if she doesn't hurry up."

Calista looked curiously at her, wondering what she meant, but then it dawned on her as she felt the ship sway as it bobbed in the water. The sea was getting violent. The harsh bang of a pommel meeting wood echoed through the air, silencing the anxious chatter from the pirates.

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