Chapter 17: The Prophecy

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It's all your fault.

Vivid images of terrified girls flashed through her subconscious. 

You failed to save them.

There was a heavy mix of blood and sweat in the air. It was black, she couldn't see anything. There was no one else around. Steel bars blocked her view and she tried to scream.

You're pathetic. You're weak.

A little girl trembled before Calista on her knees. "Please, don't hurt me?"

If you were stronger, you could do more. You could have saved them.


But you had to go and mess it up.



Calista jerked awake, flailing her arms as she lost her balance on the branch she was situated on, crashing to the ground with a heavy thud. She groaned in pain, her head spinning and thoughts distorted. The moon was shining back at her, calming her down slightly at the comforting, pearly glow as she gathered her bearings. Calista exhaled shakily, running a hand through her black hair. Her skin was drenched in cold sweat. 

Not again... She groaned internally.

The exhausted assassin had absolutely no willpower to haul her trembling and battered body up the trunk again. She tried to doze off at the base of the tree, frustrated tears blurring her vision when all she was able to accomplish was the action of shutting her eyes. 

Calista crossed her arms over her chest, extending her legs out on the dewy grass in front of her. Her dreams were always the same nightmare. Sleep never did come easy, and it only got worse every time she closed her eyes when all she could see was him

So she stayed awake, unwilling to deal with her demons. This time. 

Hours later, dawn finally broke. The same cascading water that had lulled her to sleep had awoken her, not that she was entirely unconscious to begin with. Calista had chosen to spend the night in a tree by the waterfall, far away from Yoon and Ik-soo's hut, this way she could see if any unwanted company came their way. 

Even if the boy had a sharp tongue, he had a genuine heart, and the self-proclaimed priest was a gentle soul. That much was clear for her to see. 

They were still worth her protection.

But these night terrors were affecting her performance during waking hours, and that could cost lives. 

She had to get it together. 

Yoon seemed to be put off by Yona yesterday, and Calista had guessed that the princess might've accidentally revealed her identity. That would make sense if the pretty boy had a rough history with nobles, but she had no way of knowing unless she asked him. 

She supposed she could ask Hak, but she wasn't too keen on the idea.

Maybe later...

She had noticed that Ik-soo had been praying by the crashing water for some time now, almost like he was waiting for someone. 

"Ah, Calista!" He called out, noticing her presence for the first time.

Her hand rested on her hip as she cocked her head to the side, not saying anything. Then she made her way over to him. 

"Come sit." Ik-soo invited, patting on the ground next to him.

She internally shrugged. Calista supposed she had nothing to lose. This clumsy priest had no hate in his body that she could pick up on, but she was still wary of his intentions.

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