Chapter 22: Seiryuu

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She woke up to a sword pointed at her throat. Her eyes instinctively flickered to the side, trying to catch sight of anything she could use.

The dark cavern was completely bare. 

Nothing filled it, except the man before her.

"P'kyuuu!!" The squirrel she had seen earlier was sitting on his shoulder, munching away at a nut. 

Despite the circumstances, Calista let a small smile slip onto her face.

The animal really was adorable. 

The blade in front of her lowered as her eyes softened, and he stepped closer to her.

He didn't stop until he was right in front of her. He was so close that she could make out many more details than before.

The mask he had on was white, with horns extending on either side of it. Tiny bells dangled from one of them, jingling slightly when he moved. 

Ah, so that must've been what she heard earlier. 

His mask covered most of his face, she was only able to see his mouth and nothing else. He had a pelt of white fur draped over his back, and was dressed in all blue.

His sword dropped back down to his side as she lifted a hand to brush hair out of her face.

Calista's eyes widened when she felt the usual, scratchy material still secured in place, her makeshift veil the exact same as she's left it.

He didn't try to take it off?

She scrutinized him under her intense gaze, sweeping over him with vigor for a second. His body was tense. His build, athletic. The grip on his sword, tight. 

He was a warrior for sure.

But other than that, he almost seemed...


Calista couldn't see his eyes, so she couldn't tell for sure.

Eyes were said to be windows to the soul, but voices were the bearers of intention. 

If she could get him to talk, maybe she could get a better read on him.

At least I'm alone, so if I'm wrong, no one else gets hurt.

She took a gamble.


Wind whooshed around her, blowing her raven hair back as the blade was pressed back against her neck. 

She tried to forget how similar this situation was with Hak the night of the king's murder, but the imminent danger reared its ugly head and her breathing got heavier as she felt crimson pour out of her wound. 

It was making her teeter on the edge of unconsciousness.

"I'm sorry," She apologized, hoping he could hear her authenticity, trying to ignore the throbbing pain emitting from her back. "I didn't mean to scare you."

His lips were curled back in a snarl, as if to ward her off. She concentrated on his mask where she suspected his eyes were to take her mind off of the deadly steel.

Then, Calista's eyes narrowed slightly as his sword wavered. 


Almost like...

He was petrified of her.

He's either completely innocent or he's better at deception than me.

Calista raised her hands above her head in an effort to show that she wasn't a threat, halting when it got to be too much. She blinked languidly. Her back was starting to become numb. She knew she was about a minute from passing out due to the blood loss. 

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