Extra: Bathhouse [Oneshot]

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A/N: Fits in with the timeline, but can be read as a oneshot. This one was long overdue, it took me awhile to write, I hope you all enjoy!

Words: 4.5k

They had been traveling back for a few days, resting every now and then when they noticed Calista growing fatigued. She was getting frustrated, but not at them. At herself for not being able to conceal it better.

Everything else had fallen into place. The kidnapped girls were all returned to their families and with Kum-ji finally gone, the pirates disbanded. 

It had been a week since they left Awa and she was healing just fine.

Or at least, that was she was telling them.

Truth be told, she actually was recovering quite well, and she felt better with each passing day. But the reason that no one believed her was because they hadn't seen the progress of her injuries for themselves.

Even when they managed to get her to take off her cloak on the rare occasion, they were hidden from view by her clothes that Yoon had made for her.

And when asked to take a look to assess the severity of them by the pretty boy to the only one she would let see her in such a state, Shin-ah had blushed and refused to do it.

Yona's ankle had healed well, helped along by the senjusou the pretty boy genius had applied once the battle was over with, but she still got tired quickly.

She was determined though, and the raven-haired girl had stopped trying to figure out if it was more for herself because she didn't want to slow their group down or because she wanted her companions, especially Hak, to acknowledge her.

Calista was in favor of the latter.

After the fighting was finished, she noticed her brother sneaking looks at the princess when she wasn't looking, but what was new was that she caught Yona doing the same in return, to her surprise.

Neither one of the airheads realized the pining that had started going on, and Calista swore that if one of them didn't make a move soon, she would push them together herself.

It was rather disappointing that they hadn't realized it yet.

She was so tempted to bonk them both on the heads to get them to admit their feelings, but she knew it would backfire if she meddled. They needed to figure it out for themselves, but that didn't mean she couldn't give them a little encouragement.

That's when Shin-ah stopped dead in his tracks.

Calista looked back at him skeptically, internally groaning. It was still early in the morning, there was no way they were stopping this soon. She had recognized the pattern that they were all doing, and she thought that he thought she was tired.

Until he drew a symbol in the sand, dissipating her earlier assumptions.

"A bathhouse?" Yona asked curiously.

They approached it after Hak had scouted it out. Calista wanted to go with him, but they collectively shot her down. Zeno looked at her in pity, sidling over to her as she brooded in the protective auras emitting from her friends.

"Cheer up, Miss Notch! This will be fun!!"

"It would be more fun if I wasn't under house arrest." She grumbled.

Unfortunately, someone heard her.

"What did you just say?" Yoon asked threateningly, eyes flashing in warning.

Calista crossed her arms stubbornly despite actively knowing that he had a short temper right now. "I said, it would be more fun if I wasn't under house arrest."

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