Chapter 123: The Enforcers

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Fixing her hood, Calista held back the tears pricking at the back of her eye as she blended back in with the bustling marketplace, bringing up her mask to hide her face once more. Pushing her way through, she found Yoon's store without much trouble.

It had more customers milling about than before so getting to him was going to be a different story.

Inhaling sharply when she got tossed around like a leaf in the wind, she planted her feet and strode forward purposefully. The crowd parted as the steel strapped to her arm glinted, flashing purposefully in and out from underneath her cloak.

The gang were scattered around his stall.

Hak was holding his winnings high above Yona's head, finding great enjoyment in how she tried to reach it, utterly failing every single time. Kija had finally gotten that bug off of his back thanks to Shin-ah's help and Jae-ha was enchanting every single girl that came by to purchase some of Yoon's medicine.

Well, either that or they were seriously attracted to the handsome men surrounding it.


But he didn't hear her above the noise of the heated negotiation going on with one of his patrons.

"Yoon." Calista insisted, elbowing him in the side.

He waved her off and her teeth gnashed together at how much attention she was drawing. People were stopping and staring, pointing at her and the scars on her arm. Determined not to be self-conscious about it, she brazenly glared at them but there was nothing triumphant about the way they dispersed under her intensity.

Eyes downcast, she gathered her strength and pushed on. Dipping into the bag attached to her hip, she pulled out her most recent purchase, handing it to a bewildered Kija.

"Give this to him later when he has a moment to breathe." She instructed with a slight laugh at how terrified he looked by having girls pressed up on either side of him.

He cocked his head to the side at the unfamiliar weight in his hand, finally freeing himself from their grip despite the disappointed whines and pouts. "What is it?"

She shrugged with an air of nonchalance, concealing the sadness well. "Just something he was looking at earlier."

Not addressing the rest of them since they were all a little preoccupied, she headed for the outskirts. She doubted they would appear since it was still broad daylight, but the fact that they were hanging around made her uneasy.

They can't afford to cause a scene this big, but still, they shouldn't even be this close. Her eyebrows drew together worriedly and she hastened her pace. No one's broken any rules—

Her eyes twitched as she sensed movement and she spun around but it was too late.

Shocked gasps were heard from all around as figures dressed in dark clothing fell from the sky.

The menacing armor that adorned their tall physiques rattled together, sending a fresh wave of terror through the masses as the seven of them spread out. They wasted no time, yelling out orders for all underground fighters to come with them and shoved anyone who got in their way. People screamed as they drew their weapons of mass destruction.

Metal clanked against the cobblestone as they advanced. Swords unsheathing had people pushing each other over in their panic to get away. Several stayed, undoubtedly frozen in terror at the display of power before them.

Calista shoved a little girl behind her as one of them came too close and brandished her dagger, silver eyes challenging him upfront.

He took off his hood and she stood up straighter, shoulders tensing.

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