Chapter 102: Tension

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Calista was on high alert ever since that man came crashing through the door, with that disturbing announcement that Kouka's northern border had been invaded. Her head was kept on a swivel, scanning the premises while the others anticipated further news.

Shin-ah was still settled in the far corner of the room, shying away from the loud uproar that deafened the space. He absentmindedly pet Ao on his shoulder, a habit of his when he needed comfort. Zeno was sitting next to him, arms crossed behind his head jubilantly.

He was the only one that looked remotely relaxed. 

Kija was at the forefront of their group, along with Jae-ha, standing guard. The two dragons were murmuring to each other, words too indistinct to make out but it wasn't anything good, that was for sure.

Everyone was too uneasy and the longer that they stayed here, the less chance they had of figuring out just what was going on.

Hopping down from her makeshift perch, Calista strolled away from the support beam hanging from the ceiling she had been balancing on and towards the youngest two shielded in the back of the establishment.

"Yona," She whispered, a slight plea in her voice. "Let me get out there and see what's going on."


Yoon was the one who shot her down, glaring at her savagely. His mouth was twisted in a frown of disapproval.

"You can't go out alone."

Taking a deep breath, Calista tried again. "He's gone. There's no one following me now. Let me do this."

This time, it was Yona who shook her head determinedly. Her lavender eyes shone brightly with conviction out from under her hood.

"No, it's not smart to split up." The princess decided with certainty, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. "You can't go scouting right now."

"She's right." Another voiced evenly.

Hak was leaning against a nearby wall for support, frame slumping slightly, giving away his exhaustion. They had been up ever since they arrived, and he was way overdue for some quality sleep. They all were.

Calista sighed exasperatedly, sparing her brother a concerned glance when he almost fell over. "I'll only be a couple of minutes, I promise."

"What if something happens to you? You have no backup." Yoon countered logically, eyes flashing with barely contained frustration.

He was getting anxious, feeling like they were sitting ducks in here without any way of knowing what the army's next move was, but it wasn't smart to leave. Or separate.

"You're staying here until we hear something else. Besides, the Kah-sho Fort should halt their advance." He finished.

Bowing her head in reluctant acceptance, Calista shuffled over to Shin-ah, trying to suppress the feeling of helplessness bubbling up in her chest. She knew she shouldn't get so worked up, but she couldn't stand being in one place for too long.

And it had already been way too long.

Calista glanced over guiltily at Zeno when she heard his stomach rumble loudly, to which case the cheerful yellow dragon offered her up a reassuring smile, but it was tinged with a sadness that didn't pass under her radar.

Her head buried into her arms forlornly, upset that she couldn't provide for them at the moment.

But she had no time to wallow in her despair.

A reinvigorated commotion had them all up on their feet in an instant while the crowd of drunkards shouted insanity.


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