Chapter 50: Poison

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The king and the exiled princess stared at each for what seemed like forever until they were broken out of their revere by a shout of his title. Yona's instincts took over and she was going to run before his cloak blinded her.

She struggled against him as his arms wrapped tightly around her.

"Keep quiet!!" He hissed, looking helplessly at the familiar raven-haired girl. When word reached the castle that his childhood friends had all died at the edge of Fire Tribe territory, he believed the worst.

But the fact that Yona was here, that she was in his arms, made all the rest of the terrors he didn't want to admit fade away. And if she was safe and sound, that meant that Hak was still alive.

He gritted his teeth, spotting the foam bubbling at Calista's lips. Her silver eyes were open, but unseeing.

There wasn't much time.

Hearing the heavy footfalls of his bodyguard, Soo-won's head swiveled and he sent a scathing glare to him and the guards that accompanied him.

"Leave." His tone was pure ice, and a hand discreetly stopped Yona from drawing the sword that was hanging at his side. "Now."

The soldiers fled at the malice in his voice, with the exception of Joo-doh.

Soo-won glanced pointedly down at the obvious bump in his arms, raising an eyebrow suggestively. The Sky Tribe general blushed, then bowed and retreated. As soon as he was out of sight, the king released Yona.

She immediately ran over to his fallen friend, and Soo-won was conflicted. If he saved her, everything he worked for would be at stake.

He made up his mind.

"Move over." He instructed, gently nudging the distraught princess, pulling a clear vial out of the inside of his cloak.

"What is that?" Yona demanded, immediately suspicious. Her arms extended on either side of her, acting as a shield for the unconscious girl behind her.

The distrust swirling in her lavender eyes was unknown to him, and he hated the pang that went through his heart. He had no right to feel hurt after what he had committed against her. After what he had put her through personally.

"It's an antidote, for a very particular kind of poison." Soo-won explained hastily, knowing he only had seconds before they lost her forever. "She has to drink it."

"No." Yona announced, refusing to let him get any closer. "Get out."

"Yona, please." Soo-won begged and her resolve faltered at the feathery light voice she used to love so much. It was grating against her ears, but oh so familiar. "She'll die if I don't."

Precious moments ticked by and he was seriously about to subdue her if he couldn't convince her, but Yona finally nodded tersely.

"If you kill her, I will end you." The fire in her being was nothing to undermine and he took the threat before speedily tilting her head back.

He poured the black liquid down Calista's throat and Yona resisted the urge to shudder in horror. It was thick, lumpy and looked absolutely horrendous. She still wasn't sure he wasn't poisoning her, but she was helpless, so all she could do was watch.

Calista coughed up a disgusting mix of blood, powder and bits of that black concoction.

"W-What just happened?"

Her eyes focused on the two blurry figures, first identifying a relieved princess and then the other one.

"You!!" She snarled, leaping at him. But she miscalculated the distance and she crumpled to the ground with a groan. Yona tried to help her up, but she pushed her away.

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