Chapter 156: Never Give Up

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Under the glow of the soft moonlight shining through the window pane, their bodies entwined together. The wooden wall scratched against his back as the blue dragon shifted, tugging her impossibly closer. Now that everything had settled, he couldn't keep his hands off of her.

"I want to see you." Shin-ah whispered, tangling his fingers in her hair to bring the strands away from her face, his face brightening when the bells still attached to her hair jingled.

His gaze found hers and asked an implicit question as he toyed with the tie of his outer robe. Her cheeks colored but she nodded to show that she was okay with it. There wasn't anyone she trusted more.

"Shin-ah, w-wait a second." Calista protested meekly as he tucked his face under her chin, angling it just right so that he could plant soft kisses in an uneven path down her neck as he slipped his coat off of her shoulders.

Left only the scarlet top and short skirt from before that left hardly anything to the imagination, Calista blushed, covering her chest and curled in on herself, unconsciously squishing her knees against his hips.

"Don't stare at me like that..." She mumbled self-consciously, aware of how his gaze swept over her figure and drinking in every detail. But unlike the disgust she felt when those men were restraining her, she welcomed his attention, however flushed and embarrassed she was.

Shin-ah's golden eyes narrowed slightly and a hint of a smile played on his lips.

"Can't help it..." He mumbled under his breath as he traced a finger up and down her spine, evoking a shiver from her. "You're beautiful."

Pupils dilated, his golden gaze darkened until it was almost black due to the rage he felt in his chest. He practically hissed, his jaw ticking as he spotted the discoloration on her wrists now visible due to the moonlight.

"They hurt you." Shin-ah seethed through gritted teeth, his eyes finding its way back to the bruises on her neck.

Calista's jaw went slack as he picked her hand up with the utmost care, pressing a kiss so gentle to the inside of it that she couldn't process the sheer tenderness of it despite his frustrated words.

She swallowed as he gave the other the same treatment, her arms trembling as a chill ran down her spine. And this time, it wasn't because she was cold.

In an instant, she was being engulfed in his embrace, his build much broader than hers and she was just reminded how much their size difference was when she was void of all her usual layers.

The low rumble of his chest was accompanied by a tinge of possessiveness. "You're mine."

"Shin-ah, w-wait—" She cut off with a mewl as he suckled on her pulse point, gripping his shoulders but it was unclear whether it was to push him off or pull him closer. "W-What about you?"

That got him to freeze.

Calista tried to climb off of him, afraid she had made him uncomfortable and had gone too far, but his grip on the curve of her hips tightened, stopping her in an instant.

"Don't leave." He breathed quietly, with a touch of fear, and she nodded reassuringly before sinking back down into his lap.

"I'm not going anywhere." She murmured, tilting her head down to rest her forehead against his in the usual gesture that never failed to set his worries at ease.

His arms tensed around her waist as she softly kissed his cheek and his heartbeat picked up when she gazed at him with loving, silver eyes. She had come so close to losing all of this, giving up on him.

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