Chapter 62: Seiryuu's Power

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Calista gripped the blade with both of her hands, not even crying out as the bandit yanked it back, slicing the skin on her palms wide open. Blood dripped onto the ground from her hands as she clenched into furious fists. 

She had never wanted to wipe a smirk off of somebody's face so badly.

"It's not my fault, the kid had the sword pointed at us a minute ago." He drawled leisurely, waving the sword around carelessly.

"You..." Her low voice was hard with justified promise, not hinting yet at the storm raging underneath. "You MONSTER!!!"

In a split second, she broke through their ranks, steel glinting as daggers brandished in her cut hands. Slashing deep at his leg without mercy, she didn't stop even after he collapsed with a pained howl. She doubled back, digging the blades deep into his back before she was dragged off of him. 

"KILL HER!!!!" He roared furiously.

She spun, ducked, whirled around in a red haze of vengeance for the fallen child. The one who was innocent. The one whose hands were completely clean.

He didn't deserve to die. 

"He had nothing to do with this." She hissed venomously, readying herself again as they circled up around her.

The nonchalant scoff made her blood boil. "I showed him mercy."

"MERCY?!?!?!" Calista thundered, launching herself at him again. She attacked him without abandon, rendering the others watched in horror as she ripped him apart.

Their leader spat out blood in disgust, eyes filled with hate. "KILL HER!!!!!!!"

She was shoved to the ground harshly as the order finally registered with his puppets, and she felt nothing but spite towards all of them.

"You're a coward." 

He growled menacingly and she raised her head defiantly. A bloody hand wrapped itself in her hair, yanking it back harshly and the men behind her kicked her legs, making them buckle.

Falling to the ground, the fighter didn't break her eye contact. She made sure that he felt the full weight of what he had done. 

Her face was wrenched upwards and her lips pulled back in a stubborn snarl before he slapped her harshly. She whipped to the side, and her eyes widened as she saw a figure in the distance coming closer.

No, stop! Don't! Calista wanted to shout. She couldn't bear to watch him meet the same fate as her. Shin-ah, don't come any closer!!

He didn't slow, only spurred into an even faster run once he saw her captive. He barreled through the bandits that tried to stop him, hell bent on getting her back.

"Give her back!!!!" Shin-ah growled loudly, a ferocious snarl pulling back on his face. His eyes burned with the desire to kill, and finally, he took off his mask.

Reaching behind him for his weapon, his hand floundered for a beat in the air and he realized the lead bandit was holding it. 

He was unarmed and vastly outnumbered.

But he was not going to let that stop him.

Unleashing a flurry of punches on them, he stopped only a few before he was pushed down to the ground. They kicked him in the ribs and he curled up into a defensive ball, before lashing out again once he still saw her in their unyielding grip.

That was a mistake.

They redoubled their efforts and she screamed for them to stop. It fell on deaf ears.

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