Chapter 85: Two Way Mirror

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Calista was lounging on her back with her arms folded behind her head as Yoon prepared a meal for when they got back.

Hak and Yona were off training and the rest of them were reminiscing about their relaxing time on the beach. It had been a week since they left, taking them a couple of days to make it through the thicket of the forest that kept the hidden beach from prying eyes, but that also meant it took longer to find their way out of it.

She was fairly sure that no one would have been opposed if they turned back around to enjoy more sun and sand, but they had a mission to finish, once Yoon decided exactly what that was.


Kija's distressed wail made her raise her head. Beside her, Shin-ah's mouth parted in shock at the sight.

Hak and Yona had made it back, and while one of them looked completely fine, the other appeared the exact opposite.

Yona was ragged and out of breath. Her clothes were rumpled and stained with dirt and sweat. Calista wordlessly handed her some water, which she accepted gratefully. Downing it with gusto that impressed the fighter, her breaths were shallow as she tried to catch her breath.

Kija paled so drastically that The older girl was afraid he might faint again.

"Ah— I'm hungry!!" Yona beamed, taking no notice of the tense atmosphere.

"Yoon, where's dinner?" Hak deadpanned, leaning his wooden sword against a tree along with the princess'

"Hold on!!" Yoon snapped despite carrying a cauldron full of steaming hot food. "I'm not your mother!!"

"Ye—y!! Food~" Zeno cheered, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Hak!!" Kija shouted. "What did you do to the princess?!"

Slurping down food, Hak paused just long enough to answer him. "Oh? I was training her. You should know that."

His forehead creased in annoyance at the dig at his intelligence and Jae-ha chuckled to himself.

Kija glared at the Thunder Beast accusingly. "Aren't you hurting her?! You couldn't be—"

"Yona, turn this way." Yoon interrupted, shoving past him to apply ointment to her multiple scrapes.

Zeno grinned and Calista raised an eyebrow. She knew that look. "It looks like the Miss was sent flying and kicked around without being able to stop Mister's sword!!"

Kija spit out his food and lost his grip on his spoon. She slapped a hand against her forehead in disbelief. Hak kept calmly eating, but Shin-ah's mouth parted the barest bit, looking down at his bowl contemplatively.

Hak spared a glance at the hysterical white dragon when his wailing didn't cease. "I won't kick her."

"He could though." Yona piped up nonchalantly.

Calista didn't react to the offended expression on her brother's face, choosing to assist Yoon in treating her minor injuries.

"This training is for me to become stronger." Yona replied. "There's no point if he doesn't do it seriously."

"You're fighting the princess with all your strength?!" Kija exclaimed.

Jae-ha crossed his arms over his chest. "Kija. If Hak was being serious with her, Yona would die instantly."

Kija looked like he had a heart attack.

"I was thinking of building up my strength until you decided on where to go." The dedicated princess explained, wincing as Yoon tugged a bit harder than necessary on her sore wrist.

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