Chapter 32: A Hint of Green

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Hak looked at her strangely, but didn't get a chance to inquire about it as more officials came into view. The one at the forefront drew his sword, and Calista contained a crazy grin, but her silver eyes were unable to stop the eagerness from flashing through them.

"Do you three think that you will escape from this unscathed?!" The officer yelled at the trio, challenging them cockily. Hak rolled his eyes at his words, and the green-haired man next to him smirked secretively.

As he came running at them, Calista sidestepped easily, and Hak took her place, striking the soldier's arm. His sword dropped from the unbelievable force. The green-haired man kicked another calmly as he approached, and the official flew back several feet, crashing into the building behind him. 

Calista's eyes widened. His power was extraordinary. She glanced at Hak, who had noticed it too.

"Come back when you learn how to treat women nicely." The stranger asserted darkly. He flipped his hair over his shoulder nonchalantly, as if he hadn't just injured a man beyond repair.

"Time to go." Calista muttered to Hak once she finally found her voice.

The two tall men rounded the corner with the young girl, and Calista zipped after them without missing a beat.

Just like last time.... She hummed in her mind. Oh, she couldn't wait to tell them later if he joined them.

Calista smashed her elbow in the officer's face, her black tunic fluttering around her and she spun on her heel, meeting the next one head to head. He almost caught her, slicing his sword at her cheek. She darted to the side to avoid his sloppy attack, but the blade caught the edge of her mask, causing it to slip off of her face. Twisting away from him, so he couldn't see her expression, she sprinted after her brother's retreating form.

The green-haired man whistled, impressed by Hak's strength. "Are you a soldier? It seems you've gone through considerable training."

"... No, I'm just a traveler." The legendary Thunder Beast and former general of the Wind Tribe denied with his sister hot on their heels who didn't want to get left behind. "You don't seem ordinary yourself."

The stranger's violet eyes twinkled. "Eh?! I'm not ordinary, as in I'm beautiful?" 

"No, that's not what I'm saying." Hak denied flatly and Calista snickered, finding humor in the dangerous situation. 

The officials chased them until the four of them ducked into an alley. They stayed hidden in the shadows as they lost the troublesome officers. The green-haired man then disappeared into thin air, leaving the young woman with a bewildered assassin and ex-general. 

"Bring her back home." Calista ordered him, putting her questions on the back-burner. She would have time to get them answered later. "Give me ten minutes."

He looked skeptical but nodded as soon as he saw her eyes flicker briefly to the side. "Be careful."

She left without a word, speeding off to scout. Avoiding the rooftops for now, she skated from street to street until she found a somewhat isolated corner to observe people. There was something going on, and she was going to figure out what it was.

Suddenly, a hand clapped over her mouth.

Calista forced herself not to fight him, letting herself be dragged back. She tripped over her feet, but they yanked her upright. Then, she blanked her expression. When they whipped her around, her foggy eyes landed on two men. One of them had a knife out.

"Don't move, and don't scream, then you won't get hurt." The taller of the two ordered, pushing her back against the brick wall, and she hid a wince. 

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