Chapter 95: Settling the Score

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Alert, silver eyes scanned the expanse before her. Silent as ever, the assassin prowled through the foliage in search of her mark. She spotted the shadowy figure at the edge of the forest, facing an empty clearing. Leaping off of the branch, she landed in a crouch, soundlessly rising to her feet.

He turned around, as if he sensed her, but all she saw was darkness where his face should have been.

That's certainly the weirdest thing I've seen today.

He wore no clothes besides a tattered cloak. She couldn't make out any defined limbs, nor presence of a human body. All that it seemed to be made of was smoke and mirrors.

He's not real... Let's test that.

Silver eyes shone in the moonlight, and her daggers gleamed with the call of blood. They moved forward at the same time. Darting on her feet, she avoided his blow to her ribs, dancing away gracefully. She shifted her weight to her heels, coming off as curious to see how he would react.

Her head tilted demurely, the innocent action contrasting against the cold, calculating look in her eyes.

Suppressed fury was rolling off of him in waves, and although she didn't know why, she didn't need a reason. The long blade strapped to his back was reason enough.

You're mine.

The ring of steel being drawn made her blood turn to ice, but she coiled her body automatically, springing at him without hesitation. Broadsword and twin daggers clashed loudly, sending shockwaves blowing leaves off of the trees around them due to the force. They traded blow after blow, until she was pushed to the edge of the clearing due to his surreal strength.

It wasn't said out loud, but she knew if she stepped out of the makeshift arena, he would cut off her head.

Knowing she couldn't beat him by force alone, she tried to shove him off of her, mouth opening in a silent gasp as her hand went right through his body. She ducked underneath his arm the second he raised it up to deliver the final blow, rolling on her side with the impact, jumping up to her feet to process what just happened.

She didn't get a chance as he lunged for her again. Spinning away from his hand, she stayed low to the ground, but miscalculated how many steps she had taken.

Tipping back, she resisted the urge to scream as he grabbed her hair, reaching up to stab his arm in order to alleviate the pressure but her hand went right through him again. She shrieked as he dragged her into the center of the field, dropping her mercilessly on the dirt.

Calista scrambled away from him as he advanced, crying out in pain as he sliced her ankle while embedding his sword into the ground, keeping her pinned there.

Come on, come on, come on!! She chanted over and over in her head, desperately yanking at her pant leg, working to free herself when wind suddenly whipped harshly around her.

He was surrounded in a matter of moments on all sides. Warriors of black, yellow, green, white and blue brandished their weapons menacingly, simultaneously circling around him and separating the two at the same time.

Calista controlled her breathing, keeping it even despite how much her lungs burned from the exertion of fighting. The material gave out, ripping with the assistance of the sharpened metal and her jaw locked. She staggered to her feet on her own, refusing to show weakness as she glared at him through hardened steel eyes.

He matched her intensity with deadly accuracy. 

The dragons and her brother moved at the same time, with a power that astounded her.

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