Chapter 100: Mission

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Zeno and Yoon were rapidly running through the streets of Saika, the Fire Tribe's capital, in search of something very important.

The instant they crossed the border back into Kouka territory, they had almost gotten caught by a patrol of soldiers. Whether they were from Kai or their homeland, no one knew. Hak didn't recognize the colors they wore and none of them were in uniform. But they moved as a unit, as if they had a sole purpose that needed realizing.

The dragons, princess and pretty boy moved past them without being detected successfully, but came to a grim understanding.

There was no way they could accomplish their mission if they stayed out here in the open. It would take days, if not weeks, to get the information they were after and who knew what could happen by then.

Luckily, the Thunder Beast knew exactly where they could go.

The alleys got darker the further in town the yellow dragon and the young genius went along, until the lights faded and the less that there were people scattered around. Yoon found a room with an empty lantern in it, and swung open the door cautiously, taking the stairs that led down into a basement two at a time.

Out of breath, he opened the door, but the creaking that resounded through the still atmosphere had him freezing in place. Gritting his teeth, he followed through with his intention of making it through the sketchy entrance. Smoke wafted through the air the further he opened it and through the holes in the wood, he could just make out the three men at the front

Glaring directly at him.

A shiver of fear slid up his spine and Yoon tried to back out and run, but they caught him, hauling Zeno in right after.

"Hey!!" One of them shouted as he gripped Yoon's head, gripping his hair cruelly. "Whaddya want, kid? Did you get separated from your parents?"

Another grabbed Zeno's arm, and the yellow dragon shied away from him slightly. "You lost? Come over here."

"We'll play with you."

"Don't get so close, this one's mine."

A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, causing the burly man's expression to drop as he saw who it was.

"Can you stop grabbing him with your unpleasant hands?" Jae-ha's violet eyes stared upon them scornfully from underneath a cloak. "He's with me."

But the underlying menace wasn't enough for the youngest to be released. Instead, he backed away further with Yoon still held captive, going so far as to draw a knife once the green dragon advanced.

Another made a move to intercept Zeno's path, but someone beat him to it.

Suddenly, Zeno was yanked out of the other stranger's hold, and his eyes widened once he saw who it was.

"Miss Notch!! You're back!!"

Uneasy murmurs started up and the majority drew back as they saw those feared, steel eyes flash out from underneath her hood. A faint jingling of bells rang out, and her relived friends caught a glimpse of the small trinket around her wrist as she reached for her knives tucked into her waistband.

She had only been gone for a day, but a lot could have happened in that time.

Still, the soft chiming reassured them of her wellbeing. She was safe. For now.

"I've never seen your face around here." The one holding Yoon hostage directed darkly at Jae-ha. "You should stay out of it!!"

His fist drew back, but he saw it coming. A white, scaled hand stopped him short, and the man cried out in pain as his bones were nearly crushed as the enhanced fingers closed around his.

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