Chapter 101: Li Hazara

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Tae-jun was busy tending to the fields of Katan Village. The fighters he enlisted under his command had divided the work between Shuu and Hua village amongst themselves. The majority of his soldiers were working the land with him, his fighters collectively refusing to accept any form of protection.

The triplets had to be the one to explain it to him. Many fighters were used to fending for themselves and didn't take nicely to outsiders trying to do that for them. Not to mention their own master, who usually didn't give a second thought to their lives. Nevertheless, the noble wanted to protect them, but he backed off out of respect for them.

Hopefully, they would warm up to the idea eventually.

"Lord Tae-jun!!" Kil-sung called out, running out to meet the noble hard at work. "Food preparations are done!!"

Tae-jun wiped the sweat off of his forehead, acknowledging his words but not stopping his tilling. "I'm still good. Feed it to the villagers."

Kil-sung's eyebrows creased in concern. "You say that, but you didn't have breakfast either though, right?"

The noble's stomach was rumbling. A dead give away to the truth.

Tae-jun panted heavily, arms shaking with effort as he cultivated the soil below. "I've got a mountain of things to do, so I can't rest."

The vast fields were almost done. It just needed a bit more elbow grease to get it going.

Spreading his arms excitedly once the patch was finished, Tae-jun exclaimed to him, "Look!! It looks like quite a field, right?!"

"Yes!! As expected of you, Lord Tae-jun!!" Kil-sung clapped his hands together happily.

Tae-jun pondered his next move as he wiped his hands on his dirtied robe. "We'll water it after this. Order some fresh seeds from Saika..."

He was interrupted at the thudding of hooves speeding towards them.

Kil-sung's eyes widened in fear at the pure volume of it. "—What is that?"

Their heads turned at the same time. The villagers and soldiers alike could all feel the earth shaking beneath them as they watched from the edge of town.

At the sight of an enormous, advancing army, Tae-jun's mouth dropped open in shock but his eyes widened at the emblem on the leading flag.

Isn't that the flag of Sen Province?! Why are they in Kouka?!

He didn't get any answers as they started to come this way.

The villagers began to scream and run in the opposite direction. The Fire Tribe soldiers in his troops quickly gathered up the children, shoving them out of the way and into their homes so that they were off the streets.

"Lord Tae-jun!! That's the flag of Sen Province!!" One of his soldiers yelled out at his master who was frozen in place. "Quick, let's go back to the office... No, to Saika Castle!!"

That's right. If they left now, his father and brother could send reinforcements their way. Even if they couldn't wipe out the army, they could at least hold them off if they stood together until the king sorted it out.

But then Yona's parting words flashed through his mind.

"I wonder if I can rely on you."

He wouldn't follow through with his promise if he left. He stayed silent through his guards' panicked cries for him to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"What are you all doing?! Hurry, take the villagers to safety!!" Tae-jun ordered sharply, whirling around. "Lend the children and the ill a hand!!"

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