Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/2)

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Part 2

Words: 4.5k

He wasn't due to be back until January. She couldn't believe her eyes. She hadn't had contact with him ever since he left for the mission that she knew no details of.

He had left soon after they had their first date together and at the time, she brushed it off, genuinely understanding that he had no control over when he was called away. But that didn't mean it didn't impact her and over time, everyone had started to notice the change in her mood.

She was less active, more mopey. And got very easily irritated at one point when she blew up at Hak over something small. They sympathized with her though, well aware that they all had a habit of getting disheartened whenever one of them was away while the rest of them had to stay behind.

For her though, it was more pronounced when Shin-ah went away.

"You're really here?" Calista whispered, afraid if she spoke too loud she would shatter whatever beautiful dream this was.

Somewhere, deep inside of her there was a fear that she was hallucinating. That none of this was real. Halloween was great, but if this was a prank, she wanted nothing to do with this holiday anymore.

The suitcase in his grasp fell to the ground as he rushed forward, crushing her in a tight hug, erasing any fears she had that this wasn't real.

His scent consumed her senses and Calista made a noise that sounded like a cross between a laugh of happiness and a sob of disbelief. He pulled back, touching his forehead to hers as his thumbs rubbed circles on her lower back.

She couldn't suppress the choked out gasp that tumbled from her lips, blinking up at him with so much joy that she was surprised she didn't just combust right then and there from how hot she felt. He was so warm, bringing with him a peace she had been without for far too long. 

Golden eyes softened as they locked gazes with silver orbs, and a loving smile stretched across his face.

"Hi..." He whispered quietly, throat scratchy from lack of use.

The mission hadn't required him to communicate with anyone else, and he saw no need to needlessly carry a conversation with himself during cold nights. But he sure missed her.

Calista giggled happily, and he closed his eyes at the sound as she brushed over the back of his neck with her fingers. "Hey, you."

An amused cough from behind him made them jump apart in embarrassment but the girl in his arms squealed excitedly as she caught sight of who it was.

"Old man!!" Calista cheered, then doubled over with laughter as Mundok's face blanked at the informal greeting.

Taking the bags from his hands, she pecked his cheek, making up for her rudeness. "Long time no see, Gramps."

He narrowed his one good eye at his granddaughter, but there was no menace behind it. "Yeah, yeah. Where are those grandsons of mine? Not getting into trouble, are we?"

"Oh, Gramps." She tossed over her shoulder as she made her way back inside. "You know us. We never go looking for trouble."

"Yeah right." He muttered under his breath, not believing a word she said for a second, cracking a lopsided smile at the sound of her laughter.

Mundok had found his way through the mansion where the others were with practiced ease that came from frequent visits, though she supposed it helped that the noisy shouting was only coming from one part of the house.

Shin-ah shut the front door behind him, taking off his shoes carefully so that he didn't trek dirt in the house. He made his way towards the stairs to put his things away and get changed out of his gear when Calista suddenly darted in front of him.

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