Batman x Daughter Reader

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Dedicated to AshlynCoral123

Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Rā's Al Ghūl x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Y/N, today had to be the day. You couldn't keep delaying this. You had to be honest with your father about who you were. You couldn't keep being afraid. You couldn't keep being someone other than yourself. This game had to stop.
  I looked at myself in the mirror and said the chant that I repeated out loud to myself every single morning. After I felt better, I headed down to the kitchen to look for Alfred. However, Alfred was sitting down at the table eating. It felt weird seeing him eating at the table.

  I just shook my head and approached Alfred saying,"Hello, Al. I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but I'm looking for my father. Is he here?"

  Alfred wiped his mouth saying,"Ms. Wayne, hello. You did not interrupt. Your father is upstairs talking to your mother."

  My face drained of color, before Alfred immediately stood to his feet saying,"Ms. Wayne, can I get you anything? What is it?"

  I said,"I don't need my mother to be here. She's only going to put me down or send me to Arkham. I only want to speak to my father about this."

  Alfred nodded, but I could tell he was confused.

  I understood Alfred's confusion, but I told Alfred,"I'll tell you after I tell my father. I just really need to tell my father first."

  Alfred just nodded again, before I walked towards the stairs. Mom jogged down the stairs and walked right past me without saying anything. Alfred rolled his eyes, but he motioned for me to go see my father.
  I walked up to my father's bedroom and knocked on the door. He opened it and motioned for me to come inside. But instead of going inside, I just stood there. I felt like I was going to throw up all over my father's shoes. What if what I told him ruined everything?

  What if it was better if I kept it to myself for a couple more months?

  Dad frowned and helped me take a seat in front of his bed.

  He asked me,"What's wrong, Y/N?"

  I shook my head saying,"I can't. I can't. I need to wait a little bit longer to tell you this. I'm not ready."

  Dad said,"Y/N, just get it out. It's all right. I'm listening."

  I closed my eyes as I admitted to Dad,"I'm bisexual."

  I felt his hands cover my hands. I slowly opened my eyes, and he only smiled at me.

  He said,"I know, Y/N. I've known since last year. Thank you for finally telling me."

  I asked him,"Why are you still smiling at me? Why are you so calm? Why are you not telling me I need to be sent to Arkham or that I can't leave Wayne Manor for the rest of my life?"

  Dad held both of my hands saying to me,"I'm smiling because I'm proud of you, Y/N. I know that you keep things in just as badly as I do, but I also know that you haven't been happy. I've done everything I've can to make you happy, but you also control your own happiness too. Even in this moment, I've never seen you look so relieved. I'm proud of you. I'm calm because I knew this was coming eventually. I'm not sending you to Arkham because that would be damaging to you and your mental health. I don't want that for you. I would never ask you to leave Wayne Manor. You're my best friend, no matter what."

  My eyes filled with tears of joy, which caused me to immediately hug my father. He hugged me back and kept telling me how much he loved me.

  He said to me,"I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you."

  I pulled away from the hug and said,"Okay, Dad, enough hugging. Do you promise that I'll still have my family tomorrow?"

  Dad pulled me back in for a hug and said,"I wasn't done hugging you, Y/N. I promise you that you'll still have us tomorrow."

  I smiled saying,"I'm really happy right now, Dad, thank you. When should I tell everyone else?"

  Dad answered,"Whenever you're comfortable with telling them, Y/N. Take your time."

  I nodded, but I told him,"I told Alfred I'd tell him after I told you. Is that why he's outside your door?"

  Dad looked over and noticed Alfred standing there.

  I chuckled saying,"I apologize for the long wait, Alfred. Please come sit down, so I can tell you something very important."

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