The Question x Reader

382 7 15

Dedicated to mysticshadow28

Up next: Supergirl x Best Friend Reader

Later: Wonder Woman x Best Friend Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Thank God, it was Friday! No more work till Monday morning. Now, I couldn't tell you why I was still working at this particular place, but it wasn't like anyone else would hire me. I never seemed to have the proper qualifications for the best jobs around, even though I was told I would be set after I finished school.

  Funny... Though, I promised myself last week I would be more positive from now on. I did have a job.
  On my walk home, I noticed Q inside the local floral shop. He appeared to be looking around for something specific.

  In case that something specific was for moi, I wanted to be surprised. I kept walking and made it home two minutes later.
  I opened my front door and noticed my dog sleeping right in front of the couch. I smiled and closed the front door. I made sure to lock it, which I didn't do last time.

  I walked over to the couch and made sure not to step on my dog. She was a diva, so she'd fall out if I stepped on her by accident.
  I sat down and turned on the television to see what was on. However, I ended up turning it right back off. There was never anything good on.

  Someone knocked on my front door, which I expected to be Q himself. I stood to my feet and stepped over Hermoine. Yes, I named my dog after Hermoine from Harry Potter.
  I rushed to the front door and opened it.

  Q said,"Hello, Y/N. I just wanted to see you. These are for you."

  Instead of holding out flowers for me to take, Q held a few different types of candy for me to take from him. I loved this man so much. I really shouldn't have been eating candy in the first place, but I wasn't going to let this candy go to waste. I wasn't going to not accept Q's gifts to me.

  I took the candy from Q and led him inside saying,"Thank you, Q. I've been craving candy, lately. Feel free to sit down on the couch, if you want to. Watch out for Hermoine, though, she'll fall out like she did last time if you step on her."

  Q chuckled, before he stepped over Hermoine and sat down on the couch. I put my candy somewhere safe, then I joined Q on the couch.
  He pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his coat and wrapped an arm around his neck.

  Q said,"I've missed you, Y/N."

  I smiled and said to him,"I've missed you, too, Q. We go should do something together."

  Hermoine sat up and I giggled saying,"Not you, Hermoine."

  Hermoine barked at me, then she jumped onto the couch and squeezed in between Q and I.

  Q asked me,"What should we do together?"

  I answered,"We could go outside and walk together. I know Hermoine probably wants to run around for a minute."

  Hermoine licked my face and I chuckled saying,"Now, you want to be near me."

  Q said,"She always wants to be near you, Y/N."

  I stood to my feet and picked up Hermoine saying,"I know. She just likes to be independent, every now and then."

  Q stood to his feet, before he walked over to the front door and opened it for Hermoine and I. I walked over to Q and pulled him outside.
  I put Hermoine down, but she waited until Q and I took a few steps forward before she ran off. Q reached over and intertwined his fingers with mine.

  I told Q,"Let me know if you get too hot. We don't have to walk all day."

  Q shook his head and said,"I won't get too hot. We can walk for however long Hermoine wants to be out here. I'll be all right."

  I nodded and asked him,"How would you feel about staying over for dinner tonight with Hermoine and I?"

  Q said,"Thanks for offering, Y/N, but I won't be able to tonight."

  I was disappointed, but I asked Q,"What about tomorrow night?"

  Q said,"Tomorrow night is all right."

  I noticed Hermoine trying to dig holes in the yard again, so I rushed over to her and picked her up.

  I asked her,"What is it with you and digging holes in my yard?"


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