Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader

Later: Barry Allen x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I couldn't find my car keys anywhere, and I had to get me something to eat. I was starving, and there was nothing in the house. Well, there was cereal, but I was tired of cereal. Luckily, I had money, so I wanted something outside of my refrigerator.
  While in the process of tearing up my living room, there was a knock on the front door.

  I just yelled,"COME IN!!"

  Now, if it was a crazy person at the door, then I would be asking for them to come inside. Since I basically trained myself, I wasn't worried at all about whoever was about to walk in.
  Bruce Wayne was the one who was here. I had a huge crush on him, yet I didn't know what he was doing here at my house. I was still in my pajamas, because I was just planning on picking up something and coming back.

  Bruce looked around my living room and said,"You lost your keys again?"

  I replied,"Maybe. Maybe not. Who told you where I lived?"

  Bruce laughed saying,"You did, Y/N."

  My face immediately heated up, and Bruce then said,"I was wondering if your father was still in Gotham."

  I let out a sigh and threw around the pillows on the sofa saying,"Bruce, I honestly don't know where my father is. He isn't my biggest fan, you know that."

  When I turned around, Bruce was holding out my car keys towards me.

  He said,"Here's your car keys. They were on the floor over there. Your father will come around, Y/N. He will. He's just angry about your mother, but would you try to get in touch with him and tell him I could use his help?"

  I nodded and took my car keys from Bruce.

  Bruce looked down at my knuckles on my right hand and said,"You should stop going out there without me. I can help you find your mother."

  Before Bruce walked out the door, I asked him,"Wait, how did you know that this happened while I was looking for my mother?"

  Bruce just sent me a look, before he left out the door.


  Once I returned from getting myself something to eat, Bruce was on my couch. However, his blood was all over my couch and the floor. Because of what I had been through, I had been in situations like this many times before. It's just I was Bruce in many situations, yet I didn't have my parents around to help me.
  Knowing that Bruce was in critical condition, I took care of him. I did wonder why he came to me, instead of an actual hospital or someone else closest to him. He was Batman. I'm sure there was someone else he could have gone to. Because of my medical background, it could be why Bruce trusted me to take care of him.


  As Bruce was still out of it, I called Alfred and let him know Bruce was here. When Alfred made it here, I helped him get Bruce into the car.

  Alfred said,"Thank you, Miss L/N. Would you like to come with me?"

  I said,"I actually have to get to work in less than two hours, so I should go get dressed."

  Alfred nodded and quickly left to let me get ready for work. When it came time to leave the house, I headed into work, yet I could only think about if Bruce was awake yet.
  When it was time for me to take a break, I headed outside to get some air. A familiar vehicle arrived directly in front of me.

  Bruce got out of the car with red roses in his right hand.

  He walked up to me and handed me the roses saying,"I hope you don't mind, but I got you these. Thank you for taking care of me."

  I ran my fingers over the roses saying,"I don't mind at all, actually. And you're welcome. Why me, though? Isn't Batman immune to pain?"

  Bruce pulled me close and looked me in the eyes saying,"Batman feels things just as everyone else does. What would you say to dinner as a thank you later on?"

  I said,"I'd say that sounds perfect, Batman."



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