Giganta x Reader

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Dedicated to Dragonboy86

Up next: Tim Drake x Reader x Alex Summers

Later: Conner Kent x Requested Reader Part 2

WARNING: This Giganta x Reader contains a reader that is trying to escape from an abusive partner. Please do not read this, if it will be too much for you.

   Y/N'S POV

  I was embarrassed, but I needed help.

  I held my baby boy closer to my chest and made sure that he was covered up enough.
  I knocked on the white door and patiently waited for someone to open the door.

  Ryan Choi opened the door and smiled at me saying,"Hi, Y/N. Please come inside."

  I stepped inside and sat down on the couch inside the living room.

  Ryan asked me,"What can I do for you, Y/N?"

  I looked down at my baby boy, Alan, and admitted to Ryan,"Jordan's temper has been getting worse and worse, and I...I can't take it anymore. I don't want him to hurt my Alan next. Would it be possible for Alan to stay here with you and Doris? If you want money, I'll give you everything I've got on me right now. I won't ask if I can stay here, too, since I'm already asking for Alan. I can figure something out. I just want to make sure that Alan will be as far away as possible from Jordan."

  Ryan asked me,"Is Alan's stuff inside that bag?"

  I said,"It's my stuff and Alan's stuff. I'll take all of my stuff out."

  Ryan gently grabbed my wrist and said,"No. You can stay here, too. I'll get Doris."

  I looked down at Alan and back at Ryan saying,"Thank you, Ryan."

  Ryan nodded and walked out to get Doris. I hadn't seen Doris in two weeks, but I knew she'd be upset that I never once mentioned Jordan's temper to her.

  Doris rushed into the living room and over to me.

  She hugged me and said to me,"You never tell me anything. You're staying here with your son. I won't let you stay somewhere else."

  Before I could protest, Doris was already pulling me back towards the vacant room.

  Doris asked me,"Have you already fed Alan?"

  I nodded saying,"I have, but he'll be hungry again before he goes to sleep for the third time today."

  Doris chuckled saying,"He sounds like you, Y/N. He sounds just like you. You can just move that stuff somewhere. Wait, don't do it, I'll do it."

  Doris moved the stuff out of the way, then I moved to unpack my bag myself. Doris stopped me and unpacked my bag, instead.

  I wiped Alan's mouth and said to Doris,"You don't always have to help me, Doris. You're already letting me and my son stay here."

  Doris said,"I didn't hear that, Y/N. I'll always help you. Does Alan need anything now?"

  I looked down at Alan and shook my head saying,"No, he's good. He just wants my attention."

  Doris smiled and sat down beside me.

  She asked me,"Has Jordan been putting his hands on you?"

  I admitted to Doris,"A few times, but it's no big-"

  Doris closed my mouth and said,"Don't, Y/N, just don't. It's a big deal because you came here to ask for a place to stay. It doesn't matter if it was only a few times, that's too many times."

  I said,"I'm sorry I didn't call. He has my phone."

  Doris was trying her best not to turn ridiculously huge and squish Jordan herself, but she knew that wouldn't make all of this go away. It didn't just go away for my mother when she attempted to hurt my father.

  Doris told me,"Whatever he's done to you or said to you, Y/N, don't believe it. I wish you would've told me that Jordan had a bad temper or even that he's been hitting you, but it won't make you feel any better by asking you why you never said anything. The good thing is that you are here and that you have a place to stay for however long you want to stay here. The other good thing is that your handsome baby boy is here and unharmed."

  Doris asked me,"May I hold Alan?"

  I smiled saying,"Of course."

  I gave Alan to Doris very carefully. Alan looked at Doris, yet he never cried.

  After a while of being silent, I asked Doris,"Is there any way that you could get all of my stuff from Jordan's place?"

  Doris chuckled saying,"Of course, there is. Ryan and I will take care of Jordan."

  I asked Doris,"Are you going to take care of Jordan or get my stuff back?"

  Doris chuckled again and said to me,"I don't know yet."

  I reached over and rubbed Alan's back. Alan just looked at me. I smiled at him and rested my forehead against his small forehead.

  Doris said,"Aww. Everything will be all right, Y/N."

  I said,"I hope so. Do you think that Jordan knows that I'm here?"

  Doris shook her head saying,"No, I don't think so. We've only met once, remember?"

  I nodded saying,"I remember. He just always seems to know where I'm at."

  Doris sent me a comforting smile saying,"You'll be all right. You're not alone."

  I leaned on Doris' arm saying,"Thank you, Doris. Do I have permission to find something to eat inside your refrigerator?"

  Doris sighed saying,"I'm doing the best I can not to find him right now, but you don't have to ask. You've never had to ask, Y/N. If you're hungry, just go get something. Okay?"

  I said,"Okay."

  Doris suddenly held my hand in her hand saying,"Y/N, I mean it. Please do not sit in here and not eat anything all day. You're my best friend. You're practically my sister. I need you."

  I squeezed her hand saying,"I'll do my best to eat. I promise."

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