Wonder Woman x Best Friend Reader

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Dedicated to TylerSmith23

Up next: The Riddler x Poison Ivy

Later: Livewire x Reader


  My mother was wrong. I didn't need Y/N's help to defeat someone like Ares. Y/N was stubborn, which caused her to ignore everything I told her and do what she wanted to do. She didn't have to listen to me, but I only told her what to do to help us finally defeat Ares.

  However, thanks to Y/N working against me and not with me, Ares was able to escape.

  Y/N flew over to me and said,"Diana, this is your fault. You should have followed my lead."

  I chose not to respond to Y/N, only to search for any clues that could possibly lead me to where Ares could have escaped to. He couldn't have gotten too far or maybe he could have. He was Ares.

  Y/N pulled me back and said to me,"Diana, don't ignore me! You're Diana! Even though you didn't follow my lead, you should've been able to put an end to Ares for good! We basically came here for nothing!"

  I shook my head saying,"Y/N, enough talking. Let's just find Ares."

  Y/N shook her head and pulled me back again saying,"We have to talk, Diana! We're not going to find Ares. He's Ares! He's been someone else since the beginning and we didn't even know it!"

  I walked over to the exact spot where Ares previously stood at, but Y/N tried to pull me back once again. Instead, I pushed her back and slowly approached her.

  I looked down at her saying,"Y/N, enough. I don't want to fight you. You're my best friend and I love you, but you cost us our best chance of stopping Ares before he could possibly cause any more pain to this world. You are to blame, not me. All you had to do was listen to me, Y/N. We work well together and we could have won against Ares, Y/N."

  Y/N chuckled and said,"Listen to you? That's the only choice I've ever been given, Diana. Ever since Hippolyta took me in, that's all I've ever known to do. But when we made it here to this place, I realized that I should've just been listening to myself."

  I turned away from Y/N and she said to me,"Diana, I love you, too, but I'm done having to make choices or even decisions that revolve around you and only you. Every decision that I made tonight, Diana, it felt good. It felt right and I don't intend on returning with you to Themyscira. If I return to Themyscira with you, Diana, I know that I'll lose myself. It's better for me to be here where I can't hurt you."

  I shook my head saying,"Y/N, I didn't know. You can still return with me to Themyscira. We can find some way to work through it. I'm sorry for what I said, Y/N. I am. Neither one of us defeated Ares, but I do want us to stay best friends. I want us to stay sisters. Please come with me to help me stop Ares and then we can return home together."

  Y/N held out her hand saying,"No, Diana, no. I'll find Ares and stop him, I promise. You go back to Themyscira and be the hero."

  I slowly reached out and shook Y/N's hand, but I told her,"Y/N, please. We can find Ares together. We can! We don't have to work against each other."

  Y/N dropped her hand and said,"We can't work together, Diana. I can't promise that I won't try to hurt you the first chance that I get, which is why I think you should return to Themyscira soon."

  I looked Y/N in the eyes saying to her,"I'm staying until I find Ares."

  Y/N nodded and said,"I can't force you to leave, but I can tell you to not get in my way. Goodbye, Diana. Good luck."

  Y/N slowly left the ground and flew off.

  I closed my eyes before I said,"Goodbye, Y/N. I'll see you soon."

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