Theo Galavan x Reader

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Dedicated to GrindelwaldSparrow

Up next: Batman x Daughter Reader

Later: Jason Todd x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  When I opened my apartment door, I noticed Theo Galavan sitting at the head of my kitchen table.

  I walked inside and said to Theo,"I don't remember giving you the key to my apartment. I don't even remember telling you my address."

  Theo chuckled saying,"I know, Y/N, but I have my resources. I'm here because I need something from you, Y/N."

  I took off my coat and threw it over my chair saying,"You always need something from me, Galavan. What is it this time?"

  Theo motioned to the seat beside him saying,"Please sit down, Y/N."

  I walked over to the seat and slowly sat down in it.

  Theo leaned forward saying,"I don't know whose side you're really on, Y/N, and that bothers me."

  I asked Theo,"Does it bother you or Tabitha? Does she still want to kill me?"

  Theo looked me in the eyes saying,"It bothers me, Y/N. We worked very well together. You always knew what to do and when to do it. You never questioned me, not until you found out you were related to the righteous Thomas Wayne. Then, you just disappeared."

  I didn't break as I admitted to Theo,"We did work very well together, Theo, but it didn't mean we were doing the right things together. I killed a lot of people. I got away with it every single time, but I still feel much guilt over every single life that I took back then. Now, I have the choice not to make my guilt even worse, but I didn't have that choice when we were working together. Tabitha basically blackmailed me into doing everything, and you let her do it."

  Theo asked me,"What are you talking about, Y/N? What did Tabitha blackmail you with?"

  I laughed saying,"Don't do this, Galavan. Don't. You know."

  Theo moved his chair closer to my chair and said to me,"No, I don't know, Y/N. I know I've done some terrible things, too, but I genuinely don't know what you're talking about."

  Theo seemed like he was telling the truth, but I had to be sure.

  I asked him,"You never asked Tabitha to hold different things against me in case I didn't want to finish the job?"

  Theo shook his head saying,"No. I only asked her to be nice to you and to try not to kill you. I told her you weren't to be hurt for anything."

  I only nodded, yet he said to me,"Y/N, I'm not here to recruit you for anything or to ask you to take care of someone for me. I'm here to tell you I love you and I miss you. I really just wanted to be here to bother you and to see you again. That's the truth."

  I asked him,"So, what's the something you needed from me, then?"

  Theo reached forward and took my hand saying,"Your attention. That's all."

  I smiled at him and said,"You have my attention, Galavan, and I'm on your side. I would just prefer if we worked together without me having to take lives. We seemed to do that more than anything else."

  Theo nodded and said,"Deal. We can work something out. Anything else, Y/N?"

  I thought about it and said to Theo,"You can't mess with Bruce or Alfred any longer. Whether you can accept it or not, they're my family. I don't want to lose the last of my family that I have left in this world."

  Theo looked like he was fighting with himself, but he said,"All right, you win. I won't mess with them. You have my word. Anything else?"

  I said,"I don't want you to come into my apartment again without asking me first. I'd like to feel safe inside my own apartment."

  Theo chuckled, but he kissed my cheek saying,"I understand. I'll call next time and surprise you."

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