Tim Drake x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to heehee_XD

Up next: The Riddler x Requested Reader

Later: Hal Jordan x Reader


  You have two choices, Tim: You can either see Grace in person and tell her that her father escaped from Arkham, or you can get Damian to tell her.

  Not too many seconds later, I had decided that the best choice was to tell Grace myself. Damian, I just wasn't confident that he would be able to comfort Grace about her father. Damian could possibly end up scaring Grace to death.
  Once I had made it to Grace's apartment, it looked like she wasn't alone. Grace's best friend, who hated me, was here with Grace. But when Grace's best friend rushed past me, she appeared to angrier than usual.

  She got into her car and sped off, yet I heard,"Timmy?"

  I looked back towards Grace's apartment door, and there Grace stood with a scratch across her check and her top covered in what looked like orange juice.
  I went to go towards Grace, but she laughed saying,"Timmy, Red Robin's not needed. Yasmine and I just got into a little argument, and I'm fine. About the orange juice, I just dropped it. I don't know why, though."

  Grace stepped aside, so I could come inside, but I shook my head saying,"It's not okay. Did she scratch you? Come here, Grace."

  Grace walked up to me, and I ran my thumb across the scratch stretching across Grace's left cheek.

  Grace closed her eyes, yet she said to me,"Tim, really. I've taken worse, and you won't have to worry about Yasmine anymore. I know that she gives you a hard time and everything, but I don't need her in my life anymore. She's not my real friend."

  Instead of questioning Grace about the subject, I nodded and said,"You need good people in your life, Grace. Are you going to change?"

  Grace chuckled saying,"Maybe. Yes, I will, but I'm too lazy to do it right now. Please don't worry about what's on my face or my shirt. I'm really okay. Tim, did you hear me?"

  I replied,"I'm sorry, and I heard you."

  Grace kissed my cheek twice and squeezed my shoulder saying,"Don't even waste your time apologizing. You always mean well. So, my dad escaped from Arkham?"

  I began by saying,"How did you-"

  Grace said,"Gordon called. He said my father tried to spook him and everything, but I'm not scared of my father."

  I hugged Grace and said,"Grace, I know that you're scared. You don't have to pretend that you're not scared. You're not alone."

  Grace looked up at me saying,"How do you read me so well? I am scared, but thanks for being here, Tim. I'm glad you told me instead of Damian."

  I chuckled saying,"I'm glad I told you too."

  Someone cleared their throat, and Batman and Robin landed in front of Grace and I.

  Robin said,"Grace, your father escaped from Arkham, and he's going to kill you."

  I said,"Damian!!"

  Batman looked at Grace saying,"Your father's not going to kill you, Grace. We'll make sure of that. I'm sorry about Damian. We're working on keeping him positive."

  Grace smiled at me before she smiled at Batman saying,"It's okay, Batman. Damian will get there."

  Damian rolled his eyes saying,"I'm standing right here."

  I said,"They know that, Damian."

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