Jason Todd x Reader

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Dedicated to Kuno0014

Up next: Batman x Wonder Woman

Later: Bat-Family x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Why was it so hard to continue to be dead? Why did there have to be things like cameras or devices that allowed random superheroes to mysteriously track you down whenever they wanted to? I just wanted to stay dead.

  I looked at Red Hood and asked him,"What can I do for you, Jason Todd?"

  Jason took off his distinct, red helmet and looked me in the eyes saying,"Come back home, Y/N."

  I shook my head and said,"No can do, Jase. I enjoy being dead, actually. Less people trying to kill me all the time."

  Jason said,"Baby, I can't protect you if I don't know where you are."

  My eyes softened, but I let Jason walk up to me.

  Jason rested his forehead against mine and said to me,"I miss you. Come back home with me."

  I closed my eyes, yet I said to Jason,"I miss you, Jason, but I had a reputation, remember? I'm not sure that Bruce would approve of me being there for longer than five minutes."

  I opened my eyes as Jason placed kisses all over my face.

  Jason said,"Y/N, the old man misses you, too. You died, remember? I wasn't the only person that lost you that night."

  I admitted to Jason,"I didn't actually die that night, Jason."

  Jason stepped back from me and said,"Don't joke about that, Y/N."

  I pulled Jason back and said,"I'm not joking, Jason. I'm being serious. I faked my own death because I had too many people that were trying to kill me at one time. I wouldn't have lasted too long, if I didn't do something. I had to make it look real. I had to. Trust me, if there were any other options then, I would have gladly chosen those instead."

  Jason didn't say anything, which made me ask him,"What are you thinking, Todd?"

  Jason just rested his forehead against mine again saying,"I still want you to come home. You did what you had to do. I understand that, more than most."

  I fixed Jason's jacket and gave him a kiss. Jason blushed but gave me a kiss.

  I looked down at my watch and asked Jason,"Has someone been staying in my old room?"

  Jason shook his head and said,"No. Alfred made sure of that."

  I smiled but said to Jason as I frowned a little,"Jase, I've already made a new life outside of Gotham. What about that?"

  Jason pulled me into a hug and said to me,"I'm not asking you to leave that life behind, Y/N. I'm just asking you to come back home for a day or two."

  I nodded and told Jason,"I'm not in another relationship or anything. I know that's what you're thinking about right now."

  Jason hugged me even tighter and asked me,"Will you tell me about this new life outside of Gotham that you've already made for yourself?"

  Immediately, I looked up at Jason and kissed his jaw.

  I said,"Of course. I think that you're going to be really proud of me, Jase."

  Jason said to me,"I'm sure that I'll be proud of you, Y/N."

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