Oliver Queen x Reader

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Dedicated to tinarocksdabeat

Up next: Firestorm x Reader

Later: Jason Todd x Reader

Don't forget to check out my new Oliver Queen Interracial Love Story book called Missed Target. Speaking of Oliver Queen, I miss Arrow so much already.

   Y/N'S POV

  Oliver and I's little one was due any day now, and I was ready to become a mother. I couldn't wait to hold my child in my arms.

  I rested my hand on my stomach and said,"Don't you try to come out right now. Mommy doesn't feel like getting up. We're not even going to talk about the fact that your crazy father keeps acting like he can't hear me talking to you."

  Oliver was shooting arrows rapidly, and I knew he could hear me from where he was standing.

  I said,"Ollie, can you please come over and give me a massage? Can you at least do that? Act like you love me."

  Oliver finally stopped what he was doing and walked over to me.

  However, he just put his hands on the arms of my chair and looked me in the eyes saying,"And why do I need to give you a massage?"

  "Because I'm pregnant, and you're supposed to take care of me. Plus, I asked you to. Oliver, don't make me mad."

  Oliver chuckled and gave me a kiss, before he asked me,"Is it your neck again?"

  I nodded, and Oliver massaged my neck.

  I let out a sigh of relief, and then I said,"Thanks, Green. Are you ready to be the greatest father on the planet?"

  "I am ready, Y/N. Are you ready to be the greatest mother on the planet?"

  "Yes, but I've made mistakes, Ollie. I don't want my child to turn out just like me. I'd rather our child turn out like you."

  Oliver stopped giving me a massage, before he walked around the chair and in front of me.

  Then, he crouched down in front of me and said,"Y/N, you know I'm not perfect, right?"

  "You are perfect, Oliver. There's nothing wrong with you. You never mess up."

  Oliver rested his hands on my knees and admitted to me,"Y/N, I'm nowhere near perfect. I'm thankful that you always think the best of me, but it took me years to become the man that I am now. I mess up all the time. No one's perfect. Just because you've made mistakes, Y/N, it doesn't mean you'll be a bad mother. If anything, you'll do your best to be an amazing mother. I know you'll do everything you can to be there for our child, and I'll be with you when you need a hand. Okay?"

  "Okay. Ollie?"

  "Yes, N/N?"

  "It's time."

  "Let's go, Y/N!"


  After one last final push, this was the moment I had been looking forward to for months. My baby girl was placed into my arms, and she cried. I held her for a minute, until she became calm and just looked at me. Oliver was standing on my right side, and he was in tears.

  I tried to give our baby girl to him, but he said,"No. I know how important this moment is to you. Hold her longer. I can wait."

  I took his hand and said,"And I can let you have this moment with our daughter. I'll have plenty of time to hold her from now on."

  Oliver nodded, and I carefully placed our daughter in Oliver's arms.

  Oliver smiled warmly at her and said,"Lily. We should name her Lily."

  "Okay. Well, hold Lily right, Oliver."

  Oliver laughed, before he said,"Yes ma'am."



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