Kaldur'ahm x Male Reader

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Dedicated to covenslore

Up next: Bat-Family x Mother Reader

Later: Superman x Daughter Reader


  Where was Y/N? He should have been here by now. There was so much going on already, between the team and other important matters back at home. I had to stay focused on the mission, but I couldn't forget about Y/N. I couldn't. I loved him and needed him to be all right.
  Nightwing rested his hand on my shoulder and asked me,"Kaldur, is everything all right?"

  I said,"No. I'm worried. Y/N should have been back by now. He never takes this long to get here. Do you think something happened? Maybe his father captured him again?"

  Nightwing shook his head saying,"Relax, Kaldur. Y/N just arrived a few minutes ago. Wonder Woman stopped him before he could get the chance to come see you."

  I nodded and said,"That's good to hear. Thank you, Dick."

  Nightwing nodded and walked off. Y/N walked into the room, yet he seemed to be upset.

  I met him halfway and asked him,"What's wrong, Y/N?"

  He brought my hands up to his face and said,"Wonder Woman's not impressed still. Maybe I made a mistake joining this team."

  I shook my head saying,"No, it was no mistake that you joined this team. It was a blessing and we met through this team. I'm grateful for that. Wonder Woman will see your talent for what it is soon. Don't doubt yourself. You're an important member of this team and everyone knows that, including me."

  Y/N smiled at me and gave me a kiss before he rested his forehead against mine saying,"I'm so lucky to have you, Kaldur'ahm. Thank you. I love you."

  I said,"I love you, too, Y/N. I'm lucky to have you."

  Artemis said,"Aww, you two are so cute. Aren't they, Wally?"

  Wally said,"Of course, they are, Artemis. Who said they weren't?"

  I nodded to Wally and Artemis, before Y/N asked me,"Can I talk to you about something alone?"

  I said,"Of course."

  Y/N led me to his room and said,"I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in finally giving me that tour of Atlantis and maybe getting dinner together after? I just thought it could be a way for us to grow closer to each other with everything that's going on."

  I thought about it and asked,"But what if someone recognizes you after what happened last year?"

  Y/N took my hands and said,"It'll be okay, Kaldur'ahm. That wasn't me. I was being controlled and I will do whatever I need to do to make it up to anyone that I need to make it up to. I don't want to keep avoiding your home any longer. I want to keep learning more about it."

  I smiled saying,"I will give you a tour of Atlantis and we can get dinner together after. What about tomorrow?"

  Y/N said,"Tomorrow is good."

  I hugged Y/N saying,"Don't worry. I will protect you if anything goes wrong during the tour or dinner. I know you weren't in control of your actions and you'd never hurt anyone."

  Y/N nodded saying,"I appreciate that, Kaldur'ahm. I can't wait till tomorrow."

  Nightwing stuck his head in the room and said,"Sorry to interrupt, but the team could use both of you for this mission."

  I said,"We're coming. I promise."

  Nightwing smiled and nodded, then Y/N and I followed Nightwing back to the team. I knew I had to stay focused on this mission, as I said earlier, but I could look out for Y/N and my friends as well. Everyone had to come back from this mission. I couldn't afford to return without anyone.

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