Batman x Daughter Reader

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Dedicated to jpeeples233

Up next: John Constantine x Smile Precure! Reader

Later: Bat-Family x Mother Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Batman, my father, paced back and forth in front of me. I couldn't tell whether he was mad or not, but I was leaning more towards him being mad. Normally when he paced like this, he was mad. Since he had barely said a word to me all day, I knew I had done something to upset him a great deal. 
  However, Mom was just sitting on the desk and acting like Dad wasn't pacing right now. I knew she was going to be no help at all, so I guess I would just wait for Dad to say something.

  What could he be mad about? What could I have done for him to be this mad at me? Since I had done some questionable things, the list only grew longer and longer the more I thought about it.
  I never said I was proud of the things I had done, but I was trying to be better. I wanted to be like Dad, but it was hard. I also had to remember to be myself, but I had the gift of confusing myself repeatedly.

  Dad finally stopped pacing and Mom looked at him.

  She said,"Bruce, out with it. You've tortured your daughter long enough. She gets that you're mad. Tell her why you're mad. I'll be upstairs with Alfred."

  Mom gave me a kiss before she walked up the stairs and left out of sight. I looked back at Dad, well Batman, and he was directly in front of me now.

  He said,"Y/N, do you have any idea how much I trust you?"

  Before I could even put a word in, Dad said,"Don't, Y/N, because you've had all this time to tell me that you were seeing Hal. Y/N, you can make your own decisions. I've always made sure that I've given you that, but maybe you took advantage of that. Hal is a valued member of the Justice League, but he's broken right now. He hasn't been in the right state of mind lately and it's dangerous to be with him right now. I wanted to hear what was going on from you, but instead, I had to hear you two were together from Hal."

  I just looked down in shame, because I knew Dad was right. I could make my own decisions and I had been doing that for some time now, but things didn't always come out okay. Hal and I have been struggling and arguing for weeks, so maybe I should break things off with Hal.
  Maybe I should give him time to get better on his own, because I couldn't fix him. It wasn't my job to, even though I had always felt like it was. Hal was an amazing guy, but he was in a rough place right now. I should remember that.

  If I were to leave Hal, would he hate me? Once he got better, would he even want me anymore? If I didn't have Hal, would someone else come along?

  Dad softly said,"Princess.."

  He rested his hands on my face and wiped the fresh tears that began to fall down my face. I was scared, okay? I was, but I needed to give Hal time. I had to, even if I felt some pain from it. I knew pain was a part of this whole process.

  I closed my eyes and then I opened them saying,"You're right, Dad. You're right. I'm sorry you didn't hear it from me, but I hope I can earn your trust back. I didn't tell you about the two of us, because I just didn't know how to tell you. I really am sorry you had to hear it from Hal and not from me. I'll go and see Hal when he gets back. I'll talk to him."

  Dad nodded and hugged me saying,"I just want the best for you, princess. Hal may be the one for you, but he's in a real dark place right now. I don't want him taking all of that out on you. I'd be devastated if something were to happen to you, Y/N."


  I was nervous when it came time to talk to Hal, but he took it real well. He didn't yell at me or use his ring on me, yet he was in tears. That I couldn't forget. We just stayed in each other's arms for a while and he told me that he did love me. I knew he did, but Hal needed his space. I was going to give it to him.
  I didn't know how long Hal needed, but I was a patient woman. It wasn't like I wasn't going to have a support system around me anyway, so this could help me take time to work on myself as well. The Lord knew I had some changes I had to make as well.

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