Bat-Family x Mother Reader

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Up next: Scarecrow x Reader

Later: Leonard Snart x Reader

WARNING: This contains mention of physical abuse.



  I had had everyone out looking for Y/N. I had lost contact with her hours ago, and I couldn't track her either. I don't know why, but also every hour felt like it had been too long. She was my wife, and the mother of Tim, Dick, Damian, Jason, and even Barb. She treated all of them as if they were her own, to which I knew this was hard for them as well.
  Selina stood beside me and asked me,"Any luck, Bruce?"

  I sighed saying,"None. We'll find her, Selina. We just have to keep looking."

  Selina nodded and hugged me. I saw her tears falling down her face. Her and Y/N were inseparable, so she was hurting too. I returned the hug and comforted Selina until we got back to searching for Y/N.

   Y/N'S POV

  I was scared and alone. My feet felt like they were going to give out any minute now, but I..I had to find a way to contact my family. My body was pleading for me to just be still, yet that wasn't an option.
  Once I finally found a phone booth, I rushed inside and realized I didn't actually know Bruce's number. I didn't really know anyone's number because I had just had their names saved in my phone. I never really paid attention to the individual numbers, but now I see why I should've know them all anyway.

  Wait.. I knew Tim's number. I had to use his phone when mine wasn't working. I had to tell people that were trying to get in contact with me his number so that they could talk to me. Hopefully, he would pick up.

  I dialed his number and leaned on the glass for support.

  When he said "hello?," I let out a sigh of relief.

  I said,"Tim! I need help. I don't know where I am. I think it's in Central City, but I..I just don't know. Please help me."

  Tim said,"Mom! It's good to hear your voice. We can't track you. Can you look around and tell me what's near you?"

  I looked around and told Tim what I saw.

  He said,"Stay out of sight. We're on our way to you."



  Even though I was exhausted and in pain, I had managed to stay awake until Batman, Red Robin, Red Hood, Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, and even Alfred had arrived.

  Catwoman rushed over to me and gasped saying,"N/N, what happened? We're going to take you to Wayne Manor."

  Catwoman and Red Hood helped me into the Batmobile. Batman said something to me, but I had to get some kind of rest.


  When I woke up, I was in Bruce's arms and his face was in my neck.

  Damian noticed I was awake and smiled yelling,"MOTHER!!"

  He rushed over to me and hugged me.

  Dick pouted and said,"I wanted to hug her first."

  I smiled and weakly said,"All of you will get a hug. I promise. How long was I out?"

  Jason said,"A couple of hours, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to that party. I'm making the decision for you."

  I chuckled saying,"Okay. I'm not going to argue with you, Jase. Thanks for looking out for me."

  Jason nodded and sent me a smile. Bruce still hadn't said a word, yet Selina rushed down the stairs and pushed Bruce off of me.

  She embraced me and said,"I haven't been able to eat in hours. It's your fault, Y/N. I'm glad you're okay."

  I replied,"I'm glad Tim answered his phone."

  Tim smiled warmly at me, yet Damian said,"Mother, where did those bruises come from?"

  I said,"From the man who mistook me for a woman who apparently looks just like me. Even after he realized I wasn't her, I tried to get out but it didn't do me any good. I never saw his face either, because he had a mask on, so I couldn't see who he was. I almost got it off, but it just made him hit harder."

  Dick's blue eyes filled with tears and he quickly made his way up the stairs.

  Selina said,"I'll go check on him."

  I thanked her and the boys also headed out of the Batcave.

  I nudged Bruce and said,"You haven't said anything. Say something."

  Bruce pulled me into his arms and said,"I love you so much, Y/N."

  I replied,"I love you more. I'm sorry you weren't the first one I called. I'm glad I remembered Tim's number."

  Bruce kept placing kisses on my forehead saying,"It's okay. It's okay."

  All of a sudden, Bruce just broke down.

  He held me tighter and said,"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, N/N. I'm so sorry."

  I rubbed his back saying,"Bruce, stop apologizing. It's not your fault. You can't stop everything from happening. You just can't."

  Bruce looked me in the eyes saying,"I should have found a way though to find you faster."

  I lifted his chin and placed a kiss on his nose saying,"Bruce, really, it's okay. I may have bruises on me, but I'm not dead. That's the important thing. I'm just counting on you to be there when I need someone to hold me. Can you do that, Batman?"

  Bruce nodded and continued to hold me. Eventually, he led me up the stairs and up to Jason, Tim, and Damian's room. After I made sure they were all okay, Bruce went on and I knocked on Dick's door.
  When he didn't open it, I slowly opened the door and he was face down on the bed. I rushed over to him, scared he had done something that could worsen his health.

  When I turned him over, he just sniffed and put his face into the bed sheets.

  I rested my hand on his back and said,"Grayson, look at me. Honey, look at me."

  Dick turned around and looked at me. I moved his hair out of his face and stroked his cheek slowly.
  More tears fell down his face and he closed his eyes.

  I said,"Grayson, you have Bruce in you. You can't always save me from everything, okay? And that's all right. What happened won't make me look at you any differently. At the end of the day, you're still my son and I love you."

  Dick jumped up and hugged me. I hugged him back and just held him in my arms. It took him a while but eventually he was able to go to sleep.

  In the middle of the night, I don't even know why I had randomly woken up. However, I looked to my left and right to see the boys and Alfred were in here as well.
  Bruce pulled me closer in his sleep and I just enjoyed having my family with me.

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