Hal Jordan x Reader

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Up next: Superman x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader


  Just go in there and ask her, Jordan. She'll be happy if you just asked her without putting on a show. What if I should have done a whole dinner-Just go ask her!

  I opened my bedroom door to get ready to ask Y/N to marry me, but there she was climbing in through my bedroom window. But why was she here?
  I looked at her suit, which was torn in several places, and the blood that was on her hands. Her hair was covered in dirt, and she looked so tired.

  Y/N looked down, almost as if she were embarrassed, and said,"I'm so sorry for coming here. I should have let you know first. I'll uh leave."

  I walked over to Y/N and pulled her close saying,"What happened?"

  Y/N said,"Hal, please don't leave me! I did the best that I could! I tried to save all those people, but one of them got shot and she..she didn't make it. I tried to help her, Hal. You have to believe me!"

  I gently squeezed Y/N saying,"Hey, calm down. I believe you. I will never leave you. Y/N, being a hero, you won't always save everyone, but it doesn't mean you should stop being a hero. I know that you did your best, and that girl knows it too. It's okay, Y/N."

  Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned on me for support.

  I sat down with her, before she mumbled,"I want to be a good hero, Hal. L..Like you."

  I said,"You are already a good hero, Y/N. Everyone that knows you knows that. I know that."

  Y/N said,"Nice choice of words, Hal. I see what you did there, but I still feel terrible."

  I stopped holding Y/N and made her look at me saying,"You smell terrible."

  Y/N chuckled saying,"That's real funny, Hal, but I know. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?"

  I shook my head and sat down on the bed. I took a deep breath and rehearsed what I was going to say to Y/N after she did whatever she had to do.

  When Y/N finally walked out of the bathroom, I just got down on one knee and said,"Y/N M/N L/N, will you marry me?"

  Y/N just stood there frozen in place, until she quickly rushed over to my bedroom window and jumped out of it.

  So, was that a "no?"

  Remembering Y/N's state, I rushed over to my bedroom window, yet I didn't see Y/N.

  Before I could panic, I heard Y/N say,"Yes, Hal, I'll marry you!"

  I quickly turned around, and Y/N was stuffing her mouth with fries.

  Where did she get fries from?

  When Y/N stopped chewing, she said,"Sorry, Hal. I just wanted to be dramatic. I got hungry on my way here, so I called Superman and asked him to bring me food. He just left, though, so you can't say hey."

  I just looked at Y/N, and she rushed over to me.

  She asked me,"So, where's my ring?"

  I slid the ring on her finger and just kissed her cheek.

  Y/N said,"I love you, Hal."

  I replied,"I love you, too, even when you jump out of my bedroom window scaring me."

  "That's really specific, Hal."

  "I know."

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