Conner Kent x Reader

448 17 2

Dedicated to Polli2123

Up next: Dick Grayson x Reader

Later: Bat-Family x Mother Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Today, I just felt like doing as many nice things as I could possibly do for Conner to let him know that I loved him and that I also appreciated him. Honestly, I wasn't sure if he had always received both of those messages, so I wanted to do my best to make both of those messages very clear to him starting today.
  While Conner was out with Artemis and Dick, I looked up things that I could do to make sure Conner received the two messages that I just mentioned. After I picked out five things that I could do for Conner, I walked into Conner and I's bedroom. I found a pen and a couple of notecards, then I left notes for Conner all over the house.

  After I placed the last note by the front door, I put the pen down on the table by the front door and called Artemis.

  Artemis said,"Yes, Y/N?"

  I said,"Hey, Artemis. I'm sorry to have to call you, but- Nevermind, just hang up and I'll text it to you."

  Artemis laughed but said,"All right. Bye, Y/N."

  Artemis hung up, then I texted her. I just asked her to let me know when she, Conner, and Dick were on their way back. I put my phone down, just now noticing Wolf sleeping on the living room floor.
  I wasn't going to lie, Wolf scared me. I was still trying to get used to how big he was. Wolf was a sweetheart, though, but still... Anyway, I still had four more things to do.

  The next thing I did was finish the rest of the laundry for Conner that he didn't get a chance to get to. I also put everything up for him. The third thing I did was find the DVD that was from Conner and I's wedding day. We have been meaning to watch it together for a while, but today seemed like the perfect day to do so to me.
  After I found the DVD, I went ahead and placed it inside of the DVD player. I made sure that it was paused, then I moved on to the fourth thing. The fourth thing was rearranging Conner's side of the closet for him. Even though he never admitted it to me, he wanted me to organize his shirts, pants, shoes, etc. for him.

  Once I was finished with that, Artemis let me know that Conner was on the way here. Immediately, I rushed down to the kitchen and prepared Conner's most favorite meal that I've ever made to date.
  The second I placed Conner's plate on the table for him, he walked into the house and Wolf tackled him. Conner laughed, but he gave Wolf a lot of attention for several minutes. No, I wasn't jealous. I wasn't.

  But when Conner looked at me, I smiled at him and said,"Hi, Kent."

  Conner smiled back at me and said,"Hi. Come here."

  I rushed over to him and hugged him tight.

  Conner hugged me back and said to me,"I love you, Y/N."

  I kissed his cheek and said to him,"I love you, too, Conner. Did you enjoy hanging out with Dick and Artemis?"

  Conner nodded and refused to stop hugging me.

  I let him continue to hug me and told him,"Kent, I know how you feel about me doing things that I don't have to do, but I really had to do the things that I did for you today."

  Conner was confused, yet I pulled myself away from Conner and said to him,"I did five things for you. The first that thing that I did for you is leave you notes around the house. In case you don't find them all, I'll go back and get them for you after you look for all of them by yourself."

  Before I let Conner look for the notes, I gently grabbed his shirt and said,"Wait, Kent. I fixed food for you. Eat that first, so it doesn't get cold."

  Conner pecked my lips, then he walked into the kitchen and finished eating a little quicker than I thought he would. Conner sent me a smile and kissed my forehead. I playfully rolled my eyes and then watched Conner look around the house for all of my notes.
  After the first few notes, I could tell Conner was trying not to cry. I could also tell that he really wanted to find the other notes, too, which was a very good sign. After Conner found all of the notes himself, I showed him that he didn't have any laundry to get to before he went to bed.

  Conner said,"Y/N-"

  I shook my head saying,"No, not yet. Go look inside of our closet."

  I followed Conner to our closet. He smiled and just stood there for about five minutes.

  Then, I asked him,"Are you ready for the very last thing?"

  Conner intertwined his fingers with mine and motioned for me to show him what the very last thing was. I led Conner to the couch downstairs, then I made him sit down beside me. I reached over and turned on the t.v. using the remote.
  The second Conner realized what we were about to watch, tears formed in his eyes. I leaned over and kissed his forehead twice. Conner pulled me into his lap and rested his forehead against my forehead.

  He just began to cry as he kept repeating to me,"Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, Y/N."

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