Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Bat-Family x Requested Reader

Later: The Question x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  This was really throwing me off. Seeing Bruce so still as he was right now. He hadn't been feeling well for past week, and it was affecting everyone in Wayne Manor. Why wouldn't it affect everyone? Everyone in this Manor played a part in Bruce's life.
  Because Bruce hadn't been feeling well, that meant that he had been making less appearances as Batman. And for anyone that knew Gotham well, this meant that it wouldn't take long for things to start going downhill. Downhill was the last thing we needed right now.

  I leaned against the counter and asked Alfred,"How are you holding up, Al?"

  Alfred said,"Well, Mrs. Wayne. Master Bruce will be all right."

  I put my hand on Alfred's shoulder, and I said,"Alfred, why don't you go ahead and get some sleep? I'll clean up everything that's left."

  Alfred nodded and went off to bed. I cleaned up the kitchen and double checked my work, before I headed up the stairs.

  Damian hugged my waist, and I smiled saying,"Hey, Dami. I'm about to check on Bruce again. You want to join?"

  Damian shook his head saying,"I wish to speak to Father alone. Y/N, I'm not trying to-"

  I said,"Damian, I get it. I'm not offended at all. I understand what you're saying."

  Damian let out a sigh of relief, before I noticed Bruce's door was open.
  Damian said,"Kyle's in there."

  I let out a sigh of relief myself, then I walked up to Bruce's door and leaned on it. Selina was talking to him, but Bruce was still so still. It bothered me, because I was used to seeing him doing anything but being still. For the past week, all he had been was still.
  Well, he wasn't still when he had to get up to use the restroom or walk around for a bit. You knew what I meant, though. Selina had her hand on Bruce's shoulder, and I could tell she was upset as well. I walked into the room and sat down beside Selina.

  Selina said,"Darling, I'm sorry."

  I wrapped an arm around her neck and said,"Don't apologize, Selina. Take your time. No rush."

  Selina kissed my cheek and said,"Thank you, Y/N."

  I looked down at Bruce saying,"You're welcome, Selina. Talia came earlier this morning."

  Selina said,"I know. I ran into her."

  I said,"Is it just me or does this feel almost scary to see him like this?"

  Selina chuckled saying,"It's not just you, Y/N. This is different."

  Selina hugged me, before she said,"I have to go. Keep me updated on him, Y/N."

  I nodded, and Selina left. I moved closer to Bruce, and he was sweating. I moved the covers back, and I quickly placed a wet rag on his forehead.

  Bruce weakly said,"Y/N?"

  I looked down at him and said,"Yes, Batman?"

  He said,"My...medicine."

  I got up and grabbed Bruce's medicine, before I gave it to him. Then, I handed him the glass of water on the nightstand. When Bruce was done, I took the glass from him and put it down.

  I asked him,"Do you have to go potty?"

  Bruce chuckled, and I smiled.

  He closed his eyes and swallowed hard, before he said,"I have to go to the bathroom."

  I laughed saying,"Okay, Batman. Let's go. Let me know when you're ready to get up."

  Bruce nodded, and I could just tell that he was feeling worse.

  A few minutes later, he said,"I'm ready, Mrs. Wayne."

  I helped Bruce stand to his feet, and I waited a minute before I helped him get to the bathroom.

  Once we made it to the bathroom, Bruce gave me a kiss and I said,"Bruce!"

  Bruce placed kisses all over my face, before he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Once he opened the door, I helped him back to the bed.

  Bruce asked me,"Are you... all right?"

  I laid down beside Bruce, and I rested my hand on his face saying,"No, I'm not all right, Bruce. Alfred and I have taken you to every place we can think of, and no one knows what's going on with you. It scares me, Bruce, because I want to be able to help you. But I don't know what it is that you need and don't need."

  Bruce just looked at me with those blue eyes, but it wasn't making me feel any better.

  He said,"Honey, I love you. I want you to know that. I want you to always know that, but it's all right. Don't be scared. Someone will figure this out. I'm not leaving you, Alfred, the boys, or even Gotham. I'm scared, too, but I need you to be here. I need you to stay by my side and make me smile. Maybe it will help me."

  I became quiet, and Bruce asked me,"Can you do those things, Mrs. Wayne?"

  Bruce pulled me close, and I said,"Can you stay away from me?"

  Bruce smiled at me, and I rubbed his arm saying,"You know that I'll team up with Talia and Selina to jump you if you try to scare me, right?"

  Bruce kissed my forehead and said,"I know, Mrs. Wayne."


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