Dick Grayson x Reader x Peter Parker

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Up next: Tim Drake x Requested Reader

Later: The Riddler x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  While Dick trained downstairs in the Batcave with Barb and Cass, I just sat by myself in complete silence. I knew Dick would come looking for me soon, but I just didn't feel like getting up. I didn't feel like doing much of anything, not even talking.
  So when Peter Parker, my ex-boyfriend, sat down beside me, I just knew that he was going to talk. Peter liked to talk, especially as Spider-Man, it was one of his best qualities. However, I still didn't want to talk.
  Peter took my phone and slid it all the way down to the other side of the table.

  He said,"You're giving me the silent treatment. What's going on? Y/N, you have to talk to me."

  I chose to remain silent, and Peter just leaned back in his chair.

  I broke my own silence by saying,"Peter, you're going to fall!"

  Peter laughed, yet he really did fall out of the chair a few seconds later.

  I laughed this time, and then he slowly sat back down in the chair he was previously sitting in saying to me,"Y/N, you called me for a reason. I'm here, but I need you to talk to me."

  I got up from my chair and said,"Follow me, Parker. Just follow me."

  I led Peter upstairs to Dick's bedroom, before I pulled out a box from under his bed. Peter looked at me confused, until I pulled out a letter and gave it to Peter.

  My hand brushed across Peter's hands for just a few seconds, yet I said to him,"Read it, Parker."

  I sat down on Dick's bed, and then Peter sat down beside me.

  Peter read the letter, before he looked over at me saying,"You wanted to leave Dick?"

  I admitted to Peter,"I didn't want to, but I was just scared. It doesn't matter anyway though, because I had a miscarriage."

  Peter wrapped an arm around me and said,"Y/N, that's a big deal, and it does matter. Did you tell him about the baby?"

  I nodded saying,"Yeah, but I didn't tell him that I lost the baby yet."

  Peter's eyes widened, and he said,"Y/N, you have to tell him."

  I shook my head saying,"I can't. I don't want to see the look on his face, so I'm just going to take that letter and leave it for him to find."

  Peter kept me from getting up and took my hand saying,"No! You can tell him. Y/N, you don't have a choice. I'll go with you."

  I buried my face in Peter's arm and said,"N..No. I just can't do it, Parker."

  Peter got up and pulled me to my feet before he said,"Let's go."

  Peter led me down to the Batcave, and Barb and Cass weren't here anymore.

  The second Dick had me in his arms, Peter said,"Y/N, I'll be upstairs."

  I watched Peter go, before I looked back at Dick.

  He smiled at me and asked me,"Why didn't you train with Barb, Cass, and I?"

  Just tell him, Y/N. You can't keep living in fear. It has to stop, eventually.

  I said,"You remember when I told you that I wasn't feeling well and Barb had to take me to the hospital?"

  Dick nodded and rested his forehead against my own saying,"I remember."

  I wiped the few tears that had managed to fall down my face as I admitted to Dick,"There's no baby anymore. I'm so sorry, Grayson."

  Dick let go of me, and he walked over to the other side of the Batcave. Then, he started to cry. I walked over to him and held him, allowing him the opportunity to let me comfort him.
  When Dick just settled in my arms, I said,"You and I both need time before we give the family thing another shot, but I'm not leaving your side."

  Dick said,"I'm not leaving yours. Parker still here?"

  "I'm here."

  Spider-Man hung upside down in front of Dick and I, before I smiled saying,"Thank you, Parker."

  Spider-Man said,"You're welcome, Y/N. You tell him?"

  I nodded, and Dick asked Spider-Man,"Time to go home?"

  Spider-Man replied,"Yeah. I've got a date with MJ."

  I said,"Oo, good job, Peter. Is she the one?"

  Spider-Man said,"She is. I should get going."

  I got up and said,"Wait!!"

  Spider-Man kept still, and I walked up to him.

  I pulled down his mask and placed a kiss on his cheek saying,"Don't you forget about me. I don't care if you're Spider-Man, you make it a priority to pay me a visit. Okay?"

  Because he was upside down, I made the assumption that he was smiling but he said,"Yes, ma'am. See you, Y/N."

  I nodded to him, and Spider-Man left.

  Dick leaned on me and said,"I love you. Always."

  I looked up at him saying,"I love you, Grayson. Always."



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