Slade Wilson x Reader

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Dedicated to Nk_mikaelson

Up next: Giganta x Reader

Later: Tim Drake x Reader x Alex Summers

   Y/N'S POV

  Someone knew where my "best friend" was. Someone always knew something. Maybe I could call Slade and... No, I could do this myself! I didn't need to bother him. This was because of a mistake that I had made.
  The mistake was that I had put my trust in someone other than Slade. Why I would do such a stupid thing? I don't know. Having friends, best friends, etc. was overrated. I only needed Slade.

  After hearing the front door opening downstairs, I rushed out of Slade and I's bedroom and looked to see who had entered Slade and I's home.

  Slade laughed saying,"Good morning, Y/N. It is nice to see you awake."

  I walked down to him saying,"Good morning, Wilson. It is nice to see you smiling. Let me know that you're here next time, yeah?"

  Slade kissed me passionately and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He dropped his bag and cupped my face.

  He pulled away from the kiss and asked me,"What's going on?"

  I picked up his bag saying,"Nothing that you should get all worked up about. I can handle it on my own. Do you want to cuddle with me?"

  Slade motioned over to his bag saying,"Give me my bag, Y/N. Don't carry it for me. I'd love to cuddle with you, but I want to hear what's going on with you."

  I asked him,"How do you know something's going on with me?"

  Slade said,"The house is a mess and you didn't call me to let me know where you were."

  I handed Slade his bag, then he took my hand and led me over to the couch.

  He sat me down in his lap and I told him,"I decided to put my trust in someone else other than you."

  Slade rubbed my back saying,"And?"

  I said,"And it backfired. Let's just say the girl that I thought was my bestfriend is really someone that's been keeping tabs on me just to try to take me out."

  Slade asked me,"Do you need me to handle it?"

  I shook my head saying,"No. I need you to focus on the problem you've been dealing with for two months."

  Slade kept rubbing my back as he said to me,"We've been over this before, Y/N. I can handle several things at one time. If she is trying to kill you, you will need my help. If she knows things about you that puts you at a disadvantage, it's good to have someone she wouldn't dare to add to her list. Let me help."

  I nodded saying,"You can help me. I don't have much, though, but I'm sure you could make something out of what I do have so far."

  He hugged me saying,"I'm not going to take over, Y/N. I'm just going to help you. You're more than capable of figuring this out."

  I hugged him back saying,"Thanks, Slade. I wasn't saying that to jump at you or anything. I know you're really smart, that's all."

  Slade closed his eyes saying,"You're really smart, too, Y/N. Don't put yourself down. She may have betrayed your trust, but you'll show her that she made a mistake."

  I closed my eyes asking him,"Are you sure you don't mean that I was the one who made the mistake of trusting her in the first place?"

  Slade answered,"No, that's not what I meant. It's good to trust other people, Y/N. It won't always work out, but it's better to trust than to not trust at all. Don't let this woman stop you from trusting anyone else. The next person you trust could possibly be your best friend for the rest of your life. You just have to keep pushing, Y/N."

  I opened my eyes and looked down saying to Slade,"I am scared of getting hurt again, but I will keep pushing. I will keep attempting to trust other people. How many people do you think I will have to trust before I find the one that's genuinely interested in being my friend or best friend?"

  Slade's eyes were still closed as he said to me,"That's what I like to hear, Y/N. But to answer your question, I don't know."

  I nodded and kissed Slade's ear saying,"Thanks for always listening to me. Maybe we should get to work on finding this woman before she kills me?"

  Slade said,"Maybe we should, but she won't kill you. We'll stop her before she can do that. You forget who you're with, Y/N."

  I leaned on Slade saying,"I do forget. I'm sorry, Slade. You are the best."

  Slade kissed my cheek and said to me,"You need to be alert, at all times. She could be watching us right now, waiting for the right moment to take you out."

  I asked him,"Is she watching us right now?"

  Slade nodded saying,"She's watching us right now. Her finger's on the trigger. Don't move, Y/N."

  I went to nod, but I couldn't move. All I had to do was stay still. Why was this so hard?

  Slowly but carefully, Slade reached for both of his swords underneath the couch. Once the first shot went off, Slade used both of his swords to block the several incoming bullets from making it to me.
  However, the shots just came to a stop. Slade looked back to make sure that I was all right, then he just rushed outside. I didn't know whether to follow him or not, but I did make sure that no one else had stuck into our house.

  After two minutes had passed by of me just worrying about Slade, he returned dragging my "best friend" behind him. She kept kicking him in his arm, but it wasn't doing anything to Slade. He was Slade.

  Slade paid zero attention to it, but he asked me,"Y/N, what do you want to do with her?"

  I asked him,"Do you think there's someone else that could possibly show up here tonight?"

  Slade said,"Possibly, but I'm more concerned about what she's not telling us."

  I looked down at her and she just smirked at me.

  She said,"I should've made that shot. If he wasn't here, I would've been able to kill you. I would've been doing him a favor."

  Slade noticed the look on my face, yet he softly said to me,"Y/N, there'll be other best friends. Don't worry. What do you want to do with her?"

  I said,"You decide."

  Slade smirked saying,"Wonderful. I'll be back, Mrs. Wilson."

  I nodded saying,"Hurry back, Wilson. I have to clean up all of this glass from my windows that are now scattered all over my living room."

  Slade looked down at her saying,"She'll fix them. Don't worry."

  Slade led her out of our house, then I just fell back onto the couch. I could've chosen what to do with her, I could've, but Slade didn't really want me to choose.
  Slade wanted to give me a chance to choose the punishment, but I could tell he already had something in mind. I'm sure whatever I would come up with would be lame, so I'd let Slade have this one.

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