The Riddler x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to -milk_and_kookies-

Up next: Hal Jordan x Reader

Later: Poison Ivy x Reader


  I rushed off the stage and outside to get some air. People were so..People were so...


  I looked over at my boyfriend, Edward Nygma, and noticed his green tuxedo that he was owning right now.
  Edward smiled at me, yet he sensed that something was wrong. Obviously, because I wasn't inside still giving my speech.

  He held out his hand, and I intertwined my fingers with his own.

  He began to lead me down the sidewalk and asked me,"What's wrong?"

  I said,"No one's really listening to my speech, Nygma. I..I could just see how all of those women were looking at me as I was on that stage. They were looking at me like I had no business even breathing the same air as them. I don't understand why people are so judgmental. I feel like you're the only one who hasn't judged me."

  Edward asked me,"And how do you know that I have not judged you, Ruby?"

  I was actually caught off-guard by Edward's question, yet I replied, now feeling a little unsure of my reply,"Because you love me. You look out for me, even when Batman's literally trying to break us apart."

  Edward laughed, yet he said to me,"I judged you when we first met, Ruby, yet I was wrong. I thought that you only wanted to be with me to get revenge for your sister, but you do love me. I am sure of that, and I came to this event to support you. I want to hear the rest of your speech."

  I said,"You really don't want to hear the rest of my speech. It wasn't that great, but I know that you'll throw riddles at me all day if I don't finish my speech. So, let's go back so I can finish this speech."

  Nygma brought my hand up to his lips and looked me in the eyes as he said to me,"And if you cannot finish your speech in front of everyone, then you can recite it to me later."

  I nodded, and Nygma led me back into the building where I was previously giving my speech. So when I was able to get back onstage, it seemed like people were just talking and enjoying their meals.
  I noticed Bruce Wayne pass by me, and I guess he had just given his speech. He was set to go after me. He sent me a smile, but there seemed to be something familiar about him. I shook it off and headed up to the microphone.

  Once again, everyone's looks told me how they felt about me being up here. Yet, I didn't care. I was going to finish my speech, regardless of whether all of these people thought they were above me. They weren't, and I had every right to be up here giving my speech.
  My boss motioned for me to speak, and I had hoped that I wasn't fired after this. When I spotted Edward in the crowd, I blew him a kiss and confidently finished my speech.

  Before I walked down the stairs of the stage, my boss smiled at me and said,"Nice speech, Ruby. I'm proud of you."

  "Thank you, Mr. Taylor. Thanks for choosing me to do it."

  Mr. Taylor nodded to me, before I rushed to Edward.

  Edward said,"Are you ready to go?"


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