Conner Kent x Reader

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Dedicated to Polli2123

Up next: Clark Kent x Daughter Reader

Later: Jason Todd x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Never did I imagine that I would get to be a part of the famous Young Justice team. From what I had heard through my cousin, M'gann, these were some of the best people I could ever meet in this lifetime. I only hoped that I could be an addition to this team that was worth the trouble. I was sure that letting me be a part of this team was a decision that was fought over for a long time.
  As I walked with M'gann, I began to wonder what my specific role could be on this team. M'gann let me know that each member of this team had their own strengths and weaknesses, but how was what I could do any different than what any other individual with my same abilities could do? Sorry, I had the talent of comparing myself to other people. Not a talent I was proud of.

  M'gann looked over at me and said,"We're here!"

  I said,"Great! Can't wait to meet everyone."

  M'gann moved closer to me and hugged me.

  I hugged her back, and I sighed saying,"I'm sorry, M'gann. I really am. I'm just doubting how valuable I might actually be to this team. There's no one that can do what I do?"

  M'gann shook her head and replied,"It's okay, Y/N! You'll do great on this team! Everyone's inside waiting to meet you. No one else can do what you do."

  I nodded, and I pulled away from the hug saying,"Thanks, M'gann. I never realize how lucky I am to have you, until I realize that I have no one else to talk to."

  M'gann laughed, before I took her hand saying,"No matter how today goes, thank you for always being by my side. I don't know what life would have been like for me if J'onn wouldn't have found me and raised me himself. I would've never met you, so I'm glad he was the one who found me instead of some crazy villain. You'll always be my cousin, even though we're not actually cousins."

  M'gann hugged me again, before we both heard,"Aww, KF, wasn't that sweet?"

  M'gann and I turned, then M'gann flew over to the two boys behind us.

  M'gann said to me,"Y/N, this is Robin and Kid Flash. They're the ones I was telling you about yesterday."

  I walked up to Kid Flash and Robin saying,"It's nice to meet both of you. I'm Y/N, your new team member."

  Robin shook my hand and said,"I'm excited to work with you, Y/N. We need all the help we can get."

  I smiled at Robin, before Kid Flash took my hand and kissed it saying,"You can just call me Wally, babe. Kid Flash is too formal."

  Robin shook his head, until I laughed and said to Kid Flash,"Okay, Wally. I'll just call you that instead of Kid Flash. I like the colors, by the way."

  Wally smirked, before M'gann flew over to another boy who remained quiet this whole time.

  M'gann said to him,"Um, Superboy, would you like to meet my cousin?"

  Superboy looked at me and followed M'gann over to me.

  M'gann looked between Superboy and I saying,"Superboy, this is my cousin, Y/N. And Y/N, this is Superboy."

  I sent Superboy a warm smile and held out my hand saying,"It's nice to meet you, Superboy."

  Superboy awkwardly shook my hand, then he slowly let go of my hand.

  M'gann looked around, and Robin said,"Aqualad's not here. Artemis is in Starling City."

  M'gann frowned and said,"I wanted Y/N to meet Artemis and Aqualad."

  I rested my hand on M'gann's shoulder and said,"I'm sure I'll be able to meet them some other time, M'gann. It'll be okay. Thank you for introducing me to everyone else, though."


  After I had a good amount of time to meet everyone, everyone gathered in the kitchen and in the living room. When M'gann took out the food, everyone dug in, but Superboy wasn't in here. I grabbed some food for him, before I walked over to him.

  I asked him,"Are you hungry?"

  He shook his head and said,"No. I'm not hungry."

  I just said,"Oh."

  Superboy noticed the scar on my arm, and he asked me,"Are you all right?"

  I smiled saying,"I'm all right. It's just a scar. I don't even remember how I got it, honestly. Well, I do, but it's something I wish I didn't remember."

  Superboy nodded, and I asked him,"Do you want to sit down?"

  Superboy said,"Sure."

  Superboy and I sat down, before he said,"I don't usually talk to people this long."

  I chuckled saying,"You and many other people in this world, but that's okay. You don't always have to talk. I understand that. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you didn't want any food, before I left it for Wally or Robin."

  Superboy smiled at me, then Robin said,"Did he smile for the first time?"

  I smiled at Superboy, before M'gann smiled herself saying,"He did."

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