Clark Kent x Reader

951 31 4

Dedicated to DreamyKawaii

Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader

Later: Kaldur'ahm x Male Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I looked at the photographs of Clark and I on top of my desk. Honestly, Clark didn't want to take a good bit of those photographs, but he took them for me. Clark always did things to make me happy, yet happiness hadn't come so easily for me in the past.
  Of course, it meant something that Clark caused me to feel this sense of happiness in such a short amount of time. I realized I wanted Clark to be just as happy as he made me, but that was a little hard to do. It was a little hard to do when it came down to someone as respected and powerful as Clark.

  Lois rested her hand on my shoulder and asked me,"Y/N, what's on your mind?"

  I said,"You're around Clark and I a lot. Do you think that I'm doing enough to make him happy? He is Superman and he has dealt with so much. I just want to make him feel the happiest he's ever been, but I don't know if I've already done that or if I've got a long way to go."

  Lois smiled down at me, but she remained quiet and I said,"Lois, now is not the time for this. Say what I need to hear. Please. You're important to him too."

  Lois sat down on my desk and took my hand saying,"Y/N, personally, I think you've done more than enough to make him happy. Look how relaxed he is now that he has you in his corner and now that he has told you that he is Superman. Trust me, from someone that has seen him at his very best and at his worst, I know when enough isn't enough for him. You're enough. More than enough. Clark's already at the happiest place in his life so far."

  I took in what Lois said, then I stood to my feet and hugged her.

  Lois said,"I love you, Y/N."

  I replied,"I love you, too, Lois. Thank you so much."

  Lois nodded and asked me,"Are you gonna go see him?"

  I nodded and said,"Cover for me?"

  Lois said,"Sure. Tell him I said I'm always here for him."

  I nodded again and rushed into the elevator. After reaching my stop, I stepped off the elevator and walked through the front entrance.

  I noticed a familiar limo pull up in front of me and the window slowly went down.

  Bruce asked me,"Y/N, do you need a ride?"

  I said,"Yes, I do. Scoot over Batman."

  Bruce said,"I can't. I'm sitting here."

  Alfred said from the driver's seat,"Master Bruce, please use your manners and let Miss L/N sit down."

  I sat down and laughed at Bruce, before Alfred drove to Clark's new home.

  I stepped out and said,"I'll see both of you on the other side."

  Bruce waved to me and I walked up to the front door of Clark's new home.

  The door opened, but I didn't see Clark.

  I heard him say,"Y/N?"

  I stepped inside and spotted Clark sitting on the couch. He was looking through a box for something, but I closed the front door behind me and walked over to the couch.
  I sat down in Clark's lap and he blushed saying,"Darling..."

  I said,"Yes, Superman? What is it?"

  He smiled at me and said,"It's good to see you, Y/N. I haven't seen you in..."

  I answered for him,"A week, but that's a long time to me. I don't care what anyone else says. Maybe it's just because I'm used to seeing you every day because we work in the same building."

  Clark wrapped his arms around me and said,"I understand, Y/N. I'm sorry I haven't been at work or came to see you. I've been working on something as a thank you to you. I've also been trying to move everything in."

  I looked around and said,"I can help you finish moving everything in. I'm not doing anything for the next few days. Do you just not know where to put everything?"

  Clark blushed again saying,"Yes, I don't know where to put everything. I could use your help on this, Y/N."

  I nodded saying,"You'll always have my help, Superman. Always. Are you done working on whatever you were working on as a thank you gift to me?"

  Clark shook his head and quickly kicked the box saying,"No. I'm still working on it."

  I chuckled saying,"Does it have something to do with that box you just kicked?"

  Clark kissed me and I returned the kiss.

  He pulled away and I hugged his neck saying,"Kent, I'm still thinking about the box. That didn't work."

  Clark moved his glasses a little, but I decided to ask him,"Are you really happy with me, Clark?"

  He held me closer to him and rested his forehead against mine saying,"I am really happy with you, Y/N. Lois called me and told me you were coming. She also told me about how you've been feeling. I appreciate you being concerned with my happiness, Y/N, but you shouldn't think about it. You make me happy every single day, even when we haven't spoken to each other that day. You don't have to do much, Y/N, and I don't expect you to. Your kindness, your drive, and your dedication towards whatever you do affects me in every way. I am the happiest I have ever been in a long time, you being one of the biggest reasons why."

  I smiled at Clark and nodded saying,"I can respect that answer. I'm glad to know everything that you just said to me. I will continue to do my best to impact you."

  Clark took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

  I asked him,"Long day?"

  He leaned on me and said,"It's been a long day."

  I took his glasses from him and put them on top of the small table saying,"Your glasses are going to be right here on this table. You're going to get some rest. How long do you think you'll need to rest?"

  Clark said,"An hour."

  I chuckled and said,"Oh, Clark Kent, that's a bad answer. I'll give you four hours. I will put an alarm on my phone, just to make you feel better."

  Clark sighed saying,"Why not an hour?"

  I said,"Because I said so, Superman. I don't even know why I told you four hours. You'll probably need more than four hours, but we'll start with four hours."

  Clark tried to get up and I asked him,"What do you think you're doing?"

  He said,"I'm getting a blanket."

  I said,"Cutie..."

  Clark cleared his throat and grabbed a blanket. Clark laid down first and I got in under his left arm.

  I fixed the blanket around us and said,"Go to sleep, Clark. I love you."

  Clark kissed my cheek and said,"I love you, too, Y/N."

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