Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 1

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Dedicated to jtoddster11

Up next: Roy Harper x Sibling Reader Part 2

Later: The Joker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I was a part of an actual team! This felt weird, but it also felt really good! I still had much to learn, apparently, but I felt like it wouldn't be too hard surrounded by such talented and inspirational people. No one seemed to mind giving me pointers every now and then, which I found to be very helpful.
  The person that had been the most helpful to me, though, had been my brother, Roy Harper. He taught me everything that I knew now, despite everything that he had been through on his own. For a while, I did feel hesitant about choosing my brother to mentor me over Green Arrow, but that hesitation was gone now.

  Roy sat down beside me and asked me,"How are you doing, Y/N?"

  I said,"Fine. I could show you what Robin taught me earlier today."

  Roy smiled at me, but he shook his head saying,"You don't have to. It's okay. I'm going to take a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

  I didn't want Roy to be alone, so I nodded saying,"I'll walk with you. Let's go."

  Roy and I began our walk right outside of my room, quickly catching the attention of Aqualad. I waved to Aqualad, before Aqualad waved to both me and Roy. Roy only nodded to Aqualad, but Aqualad became distracted by something else.
  I quickly caught up to Roy, who was walking a little faster than usual. I didn't know what to say to him, but I did notice how often his facial expression changed in a matter of just a few minutes.

  I asked him,"Roy, is everything all right?"

  Roy said,"Everything's fine. I'm just tired. So, what did Robin teach you? Is it better than everything I've ever taught you?"

  I said,"He just taught me a few moves. Nothing too serious, though. I wouldn't say it's better than everything you've ever taught me. Maybe one or two things."

  I nudged Roy, who was trying not to smile.

  Roy looked into the distance saying,"That's good to know, Y/N. You should go back to your room. I'm going to keep walking."

  I asked him,"Are you sure you don't want me to keep walking with you?"

  Roy said,"I'm sure. Thank you, Y/N. You're a good sister. I'm lucky to have you."

  I hugged his waist, afraid that my brother had something going on that he wasn't telling me about. I wanted him to tell me, because I figured that that was what could have been causing him to possibly act this way, but I couldn't force him to do anything. He was stubborn.
  Roy hugged me back, but he pulled away from the hug and continued down the hall on his walk. I walked back to my room, yet someone stopped me from closing my door behind me. It was Aqualad, but he looked upset.

  I asked him,"Kaldur'ahm, what's wrong?"

  He said,"Come with me. There is something we must tell you. All of us."

  I was afraid that I was about to be kicked off the team, but I followed Kaldur'ahm to where the rest of the team stood. Well, everyone except my brother.

  Artemis said,"Y/N, there's something we have to tell you, but we want you to promise us that you're not going to go do something that will get you killed."

  I said,"I promise that I won't go do something that will get myself killed. What is it?"

  Robin crossed his arms and looked me in the eyes as he said to me,"That's not your brother. It's not our Roy Harper."

  There was nowhere for me to sit down, so Superboy kept me steady.

  I asked Robin,"H...How? What do you mean?"

  Aqualad said,"The Roy Harper that's been with us for some time now is not your brother. He's a clone."

  As tears clouded my vision, I asked anyone who could answer me,"So, w...where's my brother, then?"

  Artemis said,"Green Arrow's looking for him. Don't worry, Y/N. I'm sure he'll find him."

  I just nodded as my tears hit the floor. I hugged Superboy and broke down. Superboy slowly returned my hug, yet he didn't even yell at me when I hugged him even tighter.

  Superboy said,"We've got you, Y/N."

  One by one, the team did their best to comfort me. However, I had a hard time going to sleep that night. I had so many questions. Was my brother still alive? Was the clone of my brother even on my side? Had the clone of my brother thought to look for my brother himself? Why had the clone played the role of my brother this whole time?

  Maybe I needed to talk to him myself and get some answers. Or maybe I would be hurt even more if I did confront him.

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