Barry Allen x Reader

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Up next: The Joker x Reader

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader


  Come on, Barry. You're running out of time. Y/N's life depends on it. You have to keep trying. You have to keep running. No matter how fast I ran I just couldn't make it. My window always closed the second I was in reach of it.
  But I couldn't slow down. I couldn't stop. If I stopped, Y/N would die. It wouldn't just stop with Y/N. It could be Wally, Bart, Jay, Jesse, Hal, Clark- It could be anyone I cared about. I had no choice but to keep running.

  Just because I had made the decision to not stop running, it didn't mean I wasn't tired. My eyelids began to close, but I shook my head and ran faster. Out in the distance, I saw another opening. This could be it. I could make this one.
  I pushed even harder and made it through the opening, but I was back in the same place again. It didn't matter. This had to be some test. I couldn't fail. I looked around and noticed my surroundings were the exact same, yet someone was waving at me. Y/N...

   Y/N'S POV

  Ugh, why did Barry take all of the cover for himself?

  I turned on my side and said,"Barry, can you-"

  I stopped when I realized that Barry wasn't even in bed beside me.

  I sat up and grabbed my robe before I put it on. Time to go find Barry Allen. I walked out of Barry and I's bedroom, yet something red ran by outside. I rushed back into the bedroom and put on some shoes.
  I rushed outside and out to the driveway. Now that I had a closer look I could see that it was Barry, well The Flash, that was choosing to run outside in the dark at 3 o'clock in the morning. What was going on with him?

  I knew it was a bad idea to just walk into the street, knowing Barry would just take me right with him. Yet it was completely out of character for him to be out here running by himself. By himself, I meant without asking me to be out here with him to watch his back.
  Luckily, we didn't have neighbors, so I wouldn't have to worry about making up a story for this. However, I was concerned and immediately went inside to call anyone I could to help me with Barry. If it was Barry just not able to stop or if it was someone else in Barry's body, then I had to do something.

  However, everyone seemed to be busy or just not answering their phones. All right, Y/N, it looks like you're on your own. If Barry can't stop, then how can you get him to stop? It would just be a matter of getting something in front of him before he's already back for another lap or whatever.
  Wait, but wouldn't I be hurting Barry if I had him collide with- It's the only thing I can come up with. I doubt I'll come up with a better idea. There was only so much I knew about Barry's speed, let alone anything else he could do.

  I found the tallest yet hardest surface I could find and tracked how fast Barry was going. This wasn't going to be easy, because it seemed as if he got faster every single time he came back around. Lord knows I couldn't run. I could barely walk.
  Focus, Y/N. When I felt it was safe to do so, I rushed out to the street and put the surface in place. I put it up vertically and quickly moved out of the way. Barry came back around and collided with the tall yet hard surface. He fell back and I let out a sigh of relief.

  It was horrible that I hurt Barry, but I was glad that he had stopped running. Now, I had to get him inside. I brought Barry inside and laid him down on our bed. I put the heaviest things I could find on top of him, in case he woke up and started running again.
  I took off his mask and placed a kiss on his forehead. It looked like Barry was all right. Even if he wasn't, I knew that he had the ability to heal quickly. I walked out of the room to get a snack. When I returned, Barry was waking up.

  He immediately looked down at his feet and I chuckled saying,"Someone's really trying to get away from me. I mean, you were running pretty fast. Am I that bad, Barry Allen?"

  Barry blinked a few times and he asked me,"What's going on?"

  I sat down beside him and held out my banana towards him saying,"You tell me, Allen. I woke up and you weren't in bed so I went looking for you. I ended up finding you outside just running in circles really."

  Barry took a bite of my banana and held my hand saying,"So, you're all right? You're not dying?"

  I said,"I think I'm all right, but apparently, I'm not all right to everyone else. But I'm not dying, though. I'm sure about that one."

  Barry held my hand tighter and I asked him,"Honey, why were you out there running and why not invite me?"

  Barry sighed saying,"I don't know, Y/N. I wish I could tell you, but I don't even know what it was. It felt real. I had to keep running because your life depended on it. I really thought you were..."

  I moved everything off Barry's legs and crawled into his arms.

  I said,"It wasn't real, Allen. Now, you can go back to sleep. Don't worry about me. I'll look out for you."

  Barry nodded, but he asked me,"How did you get me to stop running?"

  I answered,"I just put something in your path."

  Barry nodded again, before he fell asleep. Luckily, Barry didn't have to be on his feet for the next few days. But when the same situation happened two weeks later, I unfortunately had to get the League involved.


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