Tim Drake x Reader

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Up next: Nightwing x Reader x Deadpool

Later: Batman x Daughter Reader

Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say Happy Thansgiving! If you are spending Thanksgiving alone, I hope you enjoy this update! I also hope there will come a year for you when you don't have to be alone anymore! Again, you guys please be safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

   Y/N'S POV

  I don't have any family left. Everyone that I did know was either dead or didn't want anything to do with me. I just wasn't good enough no matter how hard I tried to impress those that shared the same bloodline as me. Then, I had to realize that not everyone was going to like me, but that I was good enough. I just had to believe it, and I had to remind myself of that.
  As I stood in line to get a coffee, I saw that there were families everywhere. I just kept from staring and waited in line. However, I began to think about how I was going to spend my Thanksgiving this year. Was it going to be another year of just watching TV until I couldn't anymore? Another year of buying meals from the store and being disappointed like I was back in college again? No, it was going to be another year of acting like I had a supportive family around me.


  As I stepped inside the coffee shop with Stephanie, I didn't even realize what time it was. It seemed like most of Gotham was in here, but there was a certain girl that had caught my eye, Y/N. I hadn't seen her in almost a year, but I had reached out to her many times. She never answered any of my calls or messages, but she was here and well.
  However, she was alone. After she grabbed her coffee, she sat down at the table farthest away from everyone.

  Stephanie laughed and asked me,"Tim, did you hear what I just said? Tim?"

  I knew that Y/N hadn't been returning my calls or messages, but I couldn't stand watching her by herself. Whether she wanted to be alone or not, I wasn't going anywhere until I knew that she was okay.
  Stephanie could wait..

  I turned to Stephanie and said,"I'm sorry, Steph, but there's something I need to do. It was good to see you again. I'll-"

  I looked back at Y/N and Stephanie followed my eyes. When she saw Y/N, I noticed the look in her eyes. Maybe it was because of Stephanie and I's history, but Y/N was my focus right now.
  Stephanie stormed out of the coffee shop, and I didn't run after her. I received a call from Bruce, but I just headed over to where Y/N was sitting.

   Y/N'S POV

  This coffee tasted horrible. I don't know why I always tried these new flavors and I ended up never liking a single one of them. I pushed my disgusting coffee away and someone sat down across from me.

  Tim Drake..

  He looked down at my coffee cup and asked me,"You don't like what you ordered?"

  "No. Are you following me?"

  Tim shook his head and motioned back towards the small door saying,"No, Stephanie and I were going to get coffee together, but she-"

  I finished for Tim by saying,"But she saw me and she left. Tim, I told you that girl hates me. I told you that a long time ago."

  Tim looked me in the eyes saying,"Well, you two did have a big fight a while ago. She told me everything. She also told me that she won."

  I scoffed and rolled my eyes,"Of course she said that, but Tim, I won."

  Tim said,"Oh, I know. It's you. Why are you here by yourself? You should be with your family."

  I looked down at my coffee saying,"I don't have a family, Tim. My "family" wants nothing to do with me. You of all people know that my father was really the only person that cared about me. He's gone, so no family for me as usual."

  Tim grabbed my coffee cup and got up saying,"Y/N, you're never alone and I refuse to let you sit here like this every day of your life. Even if this is your first time here, I know that you would do this same thing every single day if you could. I know you, so you're going to come to Wayne Manor with me and enjoy a good dinner with everyone. You are family, and Alfred would love to have extra help."

  Tim's offer was very tempting. I mean, it wasn't like I was going to do anything else anyway.

  "Okay, Tim. Lead the way."


  As Alfred did the dishes, I helped Selina set up the table.

  Selina smiled at me saying,"I'm glad you're here, Y/N. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to call me."

  I put my hand over Selina's and said,"Thank you. That means the world to me. Really, thank you."

  Selina nodded and everyone took their seats at the table.

  When Tim turned his head to look at me, I placed a soft kiss on his lips.

  Tim's eyes widened and Jason said,"Woah, Drake got a kiss from a pretty girl. Someone give him a cookie."

  Tim shook his head and he could barely figure out whether to use his fork or spoon. I guess my kiss was so good he could barely think at all.

  Bruce said,"Y/N, no kissing at my table."

  I placed another kiss on Tim's lips and Tim said,"Y/N, please stop. I can't take another one."

  I smiled and took his hand saying,"Those kisses were thank you's for not leaving me to be on my own."

  Tim replied,"Well, I'm glad you chose to come."

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