Bat-Boys x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to TowaHarumi17

Up next: Clark Kent x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader


  I didn't need to disturb Father. I could do this on my own. I had to prove that I had been paying attention to Father's teachings and his critiques of my work. This was the perfect opportunity to prove myself to him.
  Even though Father was conversating with Commissioner Gordon, I could bring back the man Father had been looking for for months now. I had to be fast and get this done efficiently. Someone else could try to take on this opportunity as well.

  Without warning Father beforehand, I left and attempted to track the criminal that could be anywhere by now. However, I heard movement coming from the area behind me and quickly turned around.
  Before I could get a good look at the possible target, I was thrown back into what looked like an abandoned wasteland.

  I slowly stood to my feet and heard,"Sorry, Demon. Didn't know it was you."

  I didn't bother to waste my time responding to Todd. I had a criminal to catch and successfully bring to Father.

  Todd asked me,"What are you doing?"

  I said,"Leaving. This matter is my own, Todd."

  "You're hurting his feelings, Dami."

  Grayson now appeared beside me and rested his hand on my shoulder saying,"What are you two doing out here?"

  Drake also showed up, but I couldn't let them distract me. I had to continue to try to track the criminal Father had lost so much time trying to find. I couldn't do that with Todd, Grayson, and Drake trying to babysit me.
  I moved to get out of here, but a girl appeared in front of me. I looked back at Todd, Grayson, and Drake, but they appeared to be confused.

  She smiled at me and held out her hand saying,"I'm Taiki Joel, but you can call me TJ or Deadwitch."

  Todd said,"Deadwitch? Never heard of you."

  TJ rolled her eyes, but she was still holding out her hand for me to shake. I slowly shook her hand, yet I ran right by her and back towards my mission.
  However, I noticed TJ catching up to me and I used what skills I had to pick up the criminal's trail. It stopped a few feet away from...

  TJ stopped beside me and said,"You looked like you were going after something, so I wanted to help. Why did you stop? Are they nearby?"

  I said,"Thank you, TJ, but I can handle this myself. I stopped because the trail stops here."

  TJ nodded and said,"You're welcome, but I'm not going anywhere."

  Before I could respond to TJ, I heard,"Robin?"

  I closed my eyes and opened them saying,"Yes, Batman?"

  Batman approached TJ and I, yet he quickly realized what was just ahead of the three of us. I didn't know what Father was thinking, but I knew that it wasn't good for him to be here right now.

  I said,"Batman, this is TJ. She helped me-"

  Batman said,"Track Sionis' trail. TJ, thank you for helping Robin."

  TJ appeared to want to tell Batman she didn't help me, but I shook my head.

  She smiled and nodded saying,"It was nothing, Batman. You're welcome."

  Batman motioned over to TJ saying,"Tracking Sionis' trail was only a test, Robin, and you passed. I knew you'd want to impress me and prove that you could handle more than I have given you, and I am impressed. You have proven to me that I have not been giving you what you should be given from the beginning. So, here's what I want you to do next."

  I read the file Batman handed me and I noticed TJ awkwardly standing there. I handed the file over to her. TJ read through it and Batman nodded to me. He left and TJ handed me back the file.

  TJ said,"Thank you, Robin. You didn't have to tell Batman that I helped you. I didn't do anything."

  I said,"I was hoping you would help me with what's inside that file. Would you help me?"

  TJ asked me,"Are you asking me for my help, Robin?"

  I nodded and held the file tighter in my hands saying,"I could work on the way I approach people and the way I treat them. This could help me."

  TJ smiled and took the file from me saying,"I'll help you. I could work on the same things, Robin. Let's get started."


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