Jaime Reyes x Reader

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Dedicated to harperhannah752

Up next: Tim Drake x Requested Reader

Later: Dick Grayson x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I looked through my old room for things I could take with me to Jaime and I's place, I found a whole bunch of useless junk. I don't know why I kept so much stuff over the years, but maybe it was because I just hated letting things go. I hated giving things away that meant something to me at one point in my life. However, I found many old letters between me and my ex-husband. They weren't just any letters, but they were letters that were from crucial moments of my past.

  Jaime walked into my room and said,"So, this is where the famous Y/N L/N grew up in?"

  Instead of laughing, I just continued to look through the letters.

  I said to Jaime, not looking back to see if he was still in the room or not,"I don't understand, Blue."

  "You don't understand what, N/N?"

  I threw the letters down and said,"I don't understand. I don't understand when I stopped being good enough. I don't understand when the late nights taking care of him still marked me as not being good enough. I don't understand how he could have changed his mind so quickly after everything I had told him."

  Jaime sat down beside me and picked up the letters before he asked me,"Can I read them?"

  I nodded and Jaime began to read through each and every letter. As he read the letters, I looked through my book collection for anything I would want to read around the house.

  When I picked up an old journal of mine, Jaime said,"I understand, Y/N."

  I turned to face Jaime and nodded to him saying,"Okay.. Why can you understand and I can't?"

  Jaime looked me in the eyes saying,"I don't think you want to understand, Y/N, because I think you know exactly what was going on."

  When Blue said what he said to me, I slowly took a seat on the bed and looked down saying,"It's not that I want to understand, I just don't want to face the fact that..."

  I stopped talking and Jaime sat down beside me. He slowly brought his hands up to my face and turned my head so that I was looking him in the eyes.

  He said,"What was going on, Y/N?"

  I admitted to Jaime,"Because of my condition, I was just ready to settle down with someone. I didn't care who it was, which was issue number one. I ignored everything I told myself I would look out for in a relationship. I ignored the way he did certain things, even if it bothered me. I ignored those times I knew he was out with someone else, because I figured no one else would want me and my time was already short. I look back at everything now, and I had the chance to leave many times. I ignored those chances, but you know what, Blue?"

  Jaime kissed my forehead and said,"What?"

  I smiled at him saying,"When I finally decided that enough was enough, I was able to leave him and to take better care of myself. Even though I had been through so much, I didn't let it influence who I wanted to be. Look, I got you and I've been able to finally breathe. Jaime, I should be thanking you, so thank you. Thank you for not judging me by the stupid decisions I used to make."

  Jaime gave me a long kiss before he said,"You're welcome, Y/N. I didn't expect you to say everything that you did, but I'm glad you shared what you went through with me. You have come a long way since then. I'm proud of you."

  I hugged Blue and he looked around my room saying,"I love your room, though."

  "Thanks, Blue. What do you think I should do with the letters?"

  "I don't know, Y/N. I think you should make that call on your own."

  I nodded and said,"Okay. I'll think about it. I'm hungry. We should go now."

  Jaime chuckled and nodded saying,"Let's go."

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