Tim Drake x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to Cottoncandy10121

Up next: Dick Grayson x Reader

Later: Superman x Reader


  Wayne Manor... I had heard many different stories, but I had never been here before in person. Apparently, this was Damian's first time here as well. His father, Bruce Wayne also Batman, had just found out that he even existed. That had to be rough.. Knowing Damian, he was probably angry right now. Because I knew him so well, I took his hand in a small attempt to comfort him.
  Damian sent me a weak smile, but he immediately held that blank expression across his face. I sighed, yet I understood why Damian could have a million things going through his mind right now. Neither one of us was good in the showing our true feelings department, but I was willing to try to keep Bruce Wayne from calling GCPD on me.

  When the butler known as Alfred introduced himself to Damian and I, I had a feeling that Alfred had good intentions. So after Alfred fixed dinner for Damian and I, Damian just took his plate and headed up the stairs.

  Alfred asked me,"Miss Katelyn, are you and Master Damian together?"

  I shook my head saying,"No. We just trained together back at the League all the time. Damian isn't so bad. It's just going to take him a minute to get used to being here. Could I umm get some more of what's on this plate right now?"

  Alfred smiled and nodded, giving me more food to fill my stomach.

  When Bruce walked into the kitchen, he said,"Katelyn, I have someone I want you to meet. This is Tim Drake. Tim, this is Katelyn."

  Tim walked up to me and shook my hand saying,"It's nice to meet you, Katelyn. You're very beautiful."

  I let go of Tim's hand and said,"What do you really want, Tim? Why is me being beautiful so important to you?"

  I immediately pulled out my sword, and Tim blocked it.

  Bruce rushed in between me and Tim saying,"Katelyn, Tim's just being nice. This isn't a test. You're not in training right now neither. Tim has the best intentions. I promise. Put the sword down."

  I did notice how Tim didn't even flinch with my sword right under his chin. I slowly put down my sword, and Bruce took it from me.

  Bruce looked over at Tim saying,"Tim, can you make sure Katelyn makes it to her room?"

  Tim nodded and held out his hand. I hesitated, because what if this was some trick? What if he was planning something?

  Bruce pulled me in for a side hug and said,"Katelyn, it's okay. You can trust Tim. I promise."

  I put my hand in Tim's hand, and it felt nice.

  Tim led me to where I would be staying, and then he said,"My room's..."

  Tim told me where his room was in case I needed something. Instead of leaving my room, Tim just stood there. Was there something I was supposed to do and I forgot? Maybe he wanted me to say "thank you," but that was something I rarely said. No one really did things for me, but I had to at least thank Tim.

  I shyly said,"T..Thank you, Tim."

  Tim smiled warmly at me, before he left. I got into bed and tried to go to sleep. Four hours later, I still couldn't go to sleep. I grabbed one of my books and began to read. When there was a knock on my door, I slowly walked over to the door and opened it. It was Tim.

  Tim said,"I can't sleep. Do you want to go for a walk? Here's your sword, just in case."

  Tim handed me back my sword, and I actually sent him a smile. Tim smiled back at me, and I nodded as my answer to his question.


  I was really falling for Tim Drake. How could you not? Tim had really grown on me, and I wanted him to know that I..I loved him. I felt more comfortable here at Wayne Manor, and Tim was a huge part of why I was so comfortable here now. Of course, Bruce, Alfred, and the others were a part of it as well.

  Speaking of Bruce, I asked him,"Have you seen Tim?"

  Tim came up behind me and said,"Right here, Katelyn. What's up?"

  Bruce talked to Selina, and I looked Tim in the eyes saying,"What would be your response if I told you that I loved you?"

  Tim pulled me close saying,"I would say I love you too, and I'm glad that you love me. What do you say we go out later?"

  I surprised Tim with a kiss and hugged him saying,"That sounds perfect."

  All I heard was,"NO! NO! NO! KATELYN, NO!"

  I giggled and said to Damian,"Someone's mad. Damian, I thought you always supported my decisions?"

  Damian shook his head saying,"Not this one."

  I hugged Tim tighter saying,"That's too bad, Damian."

  Dick walked up saying,"Katelyn, PLEASE don't make Damian mad. Then, we all have to deal with him."

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